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You had fallen asleep on the walk back to the Daycare, so Moon tucked you into bed, making sure not to jostle you. "Better hurry it up with Manny..." he mumbles to himself.

"You have a plan?" Sun asks. Moon hums in response, sending him the idea through their shared mind. "Ooooo, Moonie, you're brutal!" As Moon walks back to where they left Manny, Sun's comment makes him laugh.

"You love it," he waves his hand, smirk growing wider. He then growls, adding, "Besides, it's the least he deserves after what he did..."

"I felt it in your were really going to kill him in front of our Star!" Sun points out accusingly.

"I was, yes...hindsight is always twenty-twenty, isn't it, Sunny? Perhaps it was for the best that she stopped me."

Moon can feel his brother's code moving around restlessly before he asks, "He mentioned she tried to out him for something, what was it?"

Moon growls, knowing exactly what he had heard from the vile man's mouth. "Roofie, Sun, it means he was trying to drug her." He let's Sun research it for himself as he finally gets back to where the man was left.

Before he can bend down to pick him up, however, the overhead lights, previously dim, flicker on brightly, initiating morning protocols. "Oh!" Sun exclaims, not expecting the change. He tilts his head down and glares at the man disdainfully.

"Oh, dear, such a mess I'll have to deal with..." He sneers at no one in particular and grips Manny's ankles a little too tightly. "Vile, rotten, man. Trying to drug our Starlight." The usually carefree daycare attendant holds no sympathy for what Moon plans for the guy.

Especially not after learning what roofies are used for. Though, he'd prefer it if he didn't have to do it himself, but ah well. What needs to be done, needs to be done. Sun would be damned if he let this man wander the pizza plex any longer now that he knows their Love is alive and well.

"He's been out for approximately sixteen minutes and forty seconds," Moon tells Sun. Said bot stops in his tracks, frowning at the ceiling.

"Moonie, how hard did you choke him? He should be dead!" Moon chuckles and Sun doesn't much appreciate his brother's sense of humor at such a time. It's morning now, which means workers are flowing in, which means he could get caught if they don't do this quickly and right!

"Calm down, Sunshine, you're gonna burn a hole in yourself... I slipped him a Moondrop as he was being choked. He'll be out like a light until he's found." Sun continues on, only grumbling lightly as he knew Moon was smart in doing what he did.

Sun finally makes it to the West Arcade after a long, out of the way trek to avoid being seen. Manny is no small person, which only grated further on the daycare attendant's nerves. Moon is used to doing these kinds of things, being security and all, not Sunny.

"Want me to set up the rest?" Moon inquires with a hum.

Sun lugs the man into the repair room in the back of the arcade's employee's only area. "Mmm, no. I want to do it." Sun wants to serve this man retribution to what he tried with you and possibly many others.

It takes a few minutes, but Sun is able to prop Manny up and into the STAFF bot repair machine in a way it'll look like an accident. For the last part, Sun protracts the claws from his fingers and makes a small incision on the back of Manny's neck with the precision of a trained medical professional.

When all is done and set up, the solar animatronic slinks into a vent and lets Moon take over to quickly return to the daycare before guests start piling in.

And Through All of Your Attempts, We Still Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now