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It has only been 2 hours since you've learned Sun and Moon planned on keeping you in their room. The former had since left to retrieve you a pair of pajamas from the gift shop since, you know, you didn't exactly plan on living with and being kidnapped by one of your best friends.

For the moment of silence to yourself, you decide to look around. The room, or your new home, is pretty barebones now that you've stood up and walked around. A tube connects to another room in the wall between the bed and table. You squat down to peer inside but it's pitch black so you can't see anything.

Next, you check out the thin curtains. Peering through them, you notice you're up high, really high, and a little balcony juts out in front of you. You frown and stare at the height, seeing the security desk in the distance. Getting onto your hands and knees, you slowly inch up to the edge and glance over.

You're directly above the ball pit. You think you remember this balcony, then. This is the one Sun jumps off of to start the day when kids come in. You never knew they had a room back here. You see Sun walking into the daycare, so you quickly crawl backwards behind the curtains.

Sun is glad you only seemed a little curious of your surroundings and thankful that Moon was keeping an eye on you through the cams while he was out. Said bot almost panicked when he mentioned you were on the balcony. They'll really need to double down on making sure you'll be safe.

No more venturing out and leaving you by yourself while awake. He takes their wire up and lands gracefully. "Sunlight! I brought your jammies! They should fit perfectly!" You narrow your eyes at the Moondrop themed pajama set, trying to ignore how he could know they would fit perfectly.

"Thank you..." you whisper, not wanting to be rude as he did get you something. He notices your mind racing and frowns.

"What's wrong, Love?" You think of a lot of things that could classify as being wrong right now, but your main concern was the lack of a bathroom. You voice that to him. He giggles. "We never had a use for one, so there isn't one up here! Just let me or Moonie know if you need to freshen up and we'll take you, okay?"

He tells you as if that isn't extremely embarrassing and demeaning to ask and get escorted to the bathroom every time. " I need to get changed..." you tell him but he only smiles at you. You huff, "I need privacy to do that, Sunny."

"Oh! Right right right! Yes! I'll let you clean up in the bathroom, silly me! Come here, Star!" He makes a grabby motion with his hands, eager to pick you up. You look around nervously.

"Isn't there any other way to get down?" Not only are you definitely not being carried down, but you thought about asking for other exits while being inconspicuous about how it would be beneficial.

You watch as his grin grows wider. "Nope!"


You see your cheeks flushed red in the mirror from being cradled so closely to Sun as he carried you down from the room. You smack them. "Stupid..." you tell yourself. Your eye catches something in the trash next to you. Crouching down, you lift it up. It's the bottle of pills. Empty, though, of course. You knew it was a brand new bottle but you could guess what happened to the rest.

You gasp at the sudden darkness. You wave your hand and the lights turn back on. Surely Sun must be wondering what's taking so long, so you quickly wash your face and change in a bathroom stall, not trusting the Solar bot to not come in abruptly.

When you put your new clothes on, you fold your work uniform neatly and set them on the floor. You stare down at them, thinking about how you got here. Sniffling, you sit on the closed toilet and pull your knees up to your chest.

And Through All of Your Attempts, We Still Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now