Untitled Part 11

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He still manages to... turn them all off. Thank goodness these devices are so user-friendly. Crowley is so content and happy and proud. Look at how I managed everything.

What exactly did you manage?

Well, some alarms I see around.

Of course, of course.

Or maybe he cancelled other things. The appointments in the calendar. Watch out, Crowley... you'll regret this day for years to come.

Hmm... Seeing what he's doing. Nah. I don't think so. Not even with that. I mean... that's four times.

Four? Four times?! Really?!

Yes. And this fifth one is surprisingly more difficult. It's like it's not... Like it's not anymore.

Well, it's not! (The infinite scandal! Let's go...)

It's interesting. I didn't know that happened like this. This is very... educational.

I wish it had been educational with your own body! Or at least with him there!

How was he going to learn how Aziraphale's body responds with his own body?

Ah... ah. Heavens.

The thing is, after the fifth time, because he's stubborn... he no longer feels like it, and for the response he's gotten, it hasn't been worth the effort.

Most likely, in his body now, he'd feel very sleepy, but... no. What this body craves now is a lot of raw fish.

Sushi. So you can start to realise what he'll need if you do this to him.

It's all about learning. He'd also settle for chocolate, apparently. Although he refuses to mix them for ethical reasons.

You can make a nice plan that includes sushi... and chocolate if you want. There must be a fridge around, right?

Is there sushi in the fridge? Wait... do fridges serve any purpose other than for alcohol? Since when has heaven been withholding this kind of information from him? What other secrets are there to discover out there?

I don't think there's sushi as such.

Well, you should talk to him a bit sometimes, you'd be surprised. There must be some smoked salmon in a little package.

Okay. Let's get dressed and go for dinner like civilized people. He makes a gesture to get his phone to check where and rolls his BLOODY EYES.

Give him one. It's the best I can offer.

Aziraphale must have a mobile phone tucked away in some drawer. He's sure he has one because he gave it to him. It was his old one.

It must be there used as a paperweight.

And he wasn't going to throw it away because he gave it to him or because it had a picture of some puppies as a background, either version is good.

Maybe he's using it as a photo frame if you gave him a stand for it to charge.

He snaps his fingers to give battery to anything that doesn't have it and needs it around, because he's sure it doesn't have it...

And then he goes in search of the landline phone that has a... wheel... to... dial. Seriously. A wheel. The ones that spin around. He thanks God that at least it's not a heap of straw and a blanket he has to do this with.

And... diiiiaaals the ONLY phone number in the world he knows by heart without needing his own phone. He dials it after an hour of spinning the wheel like an idiot.

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