Chapter 4: The Eyes Of Sorous

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⚠️triggering topics such as abuse, torture, and death, skip to the end for explanation of important parts so you don't need to read the angst parts if it is triggering.⚠️


The eyes of Sorous is a cult that resides underground, far below any sounds of civilization. The home they call "The Home Of Sorous" spans for miles, underneath almost every village, and the villages they are not under have undercover members living there, they keep an eye on all, watching citizens every movements, writing them down, they know everything. The secrets to the universe, what everyone ate for breakfast lunch and dinner, wherever you are you are always being watched.

But not all members wanted to be members, some born into it, some forced into it, and some joined willingly, but no matter how you got there, there is no escape.

The members had a choice upon joining, have an eye carved or burned into their forehead, forever marking them as a member, if they are ever to go up to the surface they are required to cover it up thoroughly.

It was tradition by the elders to cut off a toe of whomever broke any of the rules such as trying to escape, or making friends. if they ever tried to escape a second time, or broke another rule more than a toe would be cut off.

One member Agusta was born into the cult, turned 1, 7 in cat years. she was miserable, she didn't want either, all she wanted was to escape, her mother had died to the cult leaders sword after she tried to escape 2 times, the second time she brought Agusta with her, but failed once again, she was executed infront of her Agusta, who was just a kitten, and one of her toes was cut off. Now that she's 7 it's come time to either have the eye carved of burnt into her forehead.

She thought for awhile but she eventually chose for the eye to be burned in, she thought it would be less painful. But it wasnt, it was 10 seconds of pure torture. It was burned in until black. The burner then walks away.

She sat there shaking and crying for hours, but she eventually returned to the shared childrens bedroom, she lies down on the bed made of rock, pulls up her spiky poorly sewn blanket. And she stares up at the top bed for hours just thinking.

The kid above her looks down from the bed to her and attempts to comfort her, but she makes a zipping gesture on her mouth at this kid, the kids name was named Jimby, they were friends. They knew they weren't supposed to be, so they kept quiet, but Jimby had forgotten, and had caught the attention of the watcher of the children, Jimby noticed and pretended to be asleep, Slightly giggling. Nobody knew the penalty of having friends, they didn't think it was very serious. The watcher went up to Jimbys bed and stared down at him

"You wretched rule breaker." The watcher yelled

Agusta was also pretending to be asleep, but I suppose she was more convincing. The watcher grabbed Jimby by the arm and dragged him into another room, he had a look of terror in his eyes, he had no idea what was happening, but they arrived in the other room and all Agusta could hear were screams, the watcher cut one of Jimbys toes off, agusta was trying not to cry and keep acting asleep, she heard  Jimby be thrown onto the floor and screaming and the watcher mumbles

"Get to your bed yourself."

And Jimby crawled over to his bunk, he struggled but eventually made it. He was crying into his pillow for hours until falling asleep.

The next day

All of the children are awoken by a piercing sound, as they are every day. They do their daily routines and Jimby followed Agusta but didn't talk to her at all, trying not to make it obvious, he just enjoyed being around Agusta.
But a watcher noticed the same watcher sparing them from the beginning.

"I swear to Sorous if these children interact one more time.. I cannot keep sparing them." The watcher mumbled

Agusta was called by one of the high ranking members of a cult to meet in a separate room.

She arrives to the room and doesn't say a word, as its considered disrespectful to speak to a high ranking member

The high ranking member states
"Agusta Belle, you have been tasked to go up to the surface and eliminate a certain pirate known as Thorne 'The Drunk' Stevenson. He abuses his holy blessing."

Agusta nods, the high ranking member hands a bow to her

"He will be located in the Black Sea, getting drinks with his crewmembers at approximately 7:27 PM today, you will need to fight off his crew but you will succeed, and listen to me, if you DARE try to escape, one of our many watchers will cut your wretched head off and feed you to the birds, do you understand?" The high ranking member asks

Agusta nods once again

"Good, now get out of here." The high ranking member mutters

Agusta goes up to the surface and Jimby waves goodbye to her but a watcher immediately notices and slaps Jimby to the ground, Agusta heard shouting but was not to look back.

She covered up the scar on her forehead and she got to the surface, this was her first time ever seeing light, the sun was blinding but incredible, the trees of the jungle were a deep beautiful green, a color she had never seen before. She was holding back excitement upon seeing the true beauty of nature, she had never felt such joy, but she reminded herself why she was up here.

She navigated through the jungle and encountered many intriguing frogs and other animals, she even touched one but it left a bad mark on her finger, it was very itchy.

She encountered a desert, walked through it, encountering multiple villages, and she eventually gets to the black sea, it was a deep shade of blue, almost black, she stared at it and admired it for almost an hour, and then got back to her job, it had reached 7:20 PM.

Quick explanation!
The eyes of Sorous see all,
They are ab**ive, and have terrible traditions, a girl named Agusta who was born into the cult is tasked to go up to the surface and kill a pirate named Thorne 'The Drunk' Stevenson

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