Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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May feels the warm sensations of sand beneath her skin, she hears the voice of an old man shouting to her to wake up.

"Meow mow! Meow meow meow!" -the old man muttered in worry

May looks at the old man, her vision was blurred, the old man was a dog?
"No, that can't be right.."
Her eyes focused.


May got up in a panic and looked down at the walking cat. He was an ordinary tabby cat, but on two legs, he had a little stick he was using as a cane, he had a hunched back, Slight fur loss, and a small bag on his back.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHERE THE %#&$ AM I?" May screamed at the old cat

"Meow mow?" The old cat asks, confused


"Mowww, mew mow" the old cat said with a look of realization on his face.

The old cat pulls out what looked like a potion and looked at May and then looked back at the potion


The old cats nods it's head


"MEOW MEOW" the old cat argues

"MEOW NO!" May exclaims

"MEOW MOW MOW!" The old cat continues to argue

"uhhhh... MEOW MEOW TO YOU!!" May argues trying to get the old cat to understand.

The old cat throws the potion at May, jumps onto her, and forces her to drink it. And then jumps off and exclaims "awh my back!"

"UGH!" May shouts disgustedly

"Wait.. DID I JUST HERE YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?! WHAT WAS THAT?!" May shouts and jumps back

"Calm down pirate. it just makes it so you can understand me."


"I'm just an ordinary citizen, *the old cat pokes May with his cane* YOU are the weird one, a pirate in the desert? And a very ODD LOOKING ONE, what species even are you, you look like a monkey, but alot less hairy."

"What?! I'm not even a pirate! Where the hell am i?!" May exclaims

"Dumb pirate I just told you! Do you listen? You're in the desert in a village." The old cat exclaims

"No no this isn't real! This is just a dream, I'm gonna wake up any second!" May shouts

"Ugh. Pirates I swear to sorous. Get down to my level I must show you something." -The old cat

"Why would I trust you?!" May exclaims

"Just do it dumb creature!" The old cat yells

May hesitantly gets down to the old cats level and the old cat holds out his paw.

"Grab my paw, and look into my eyes. And do NOT look away." The old cat says

"Oookay..." May says hesitantly

May grabs the old cats paw and gets a 10 second glimpse inside of, out of, and inbetween time and space. May sees how this world came to be, how it will end, she sees pirates, cats, villages being made, destroyed, built back up, gods making the cats build structures, statues, temples, all the gods being slain and replaced with one. And the last thing she sees in this glimpse is the creatures that took her here.

She passed out.

May wakes up in a uncomfortable bed, all her muscles sore, and her back aching, she sees a worn out and really small house, the old cat is making tea.

"Good timing pirate! I just finished the tea." The old cat says

"Oh, cool. Is this your house?" May asks

"Indeed." -The old cat

"I have a few questions, is that alright?" May asks

"Sure, what is it?" The old cat answers

"Well, It's about the vision, I wanted to ask about the being I saw that slayed what appeared to be.. gods?" May asks in a confused tone

"You speak of sourus."- The old cat

"Yeah, sorous, is that.. god?"-May

"Who?"- The old cat

"Right, nevermind." May says

"So whats your name?" May asked

"I am permithius." Permithius answers as he sets the tea next to May
"So, what might yours be?" Permithius asks whilst raising an eyebrow

"Oh! Right, I'm May." May exclaims

"Alright then May, so how did a pirate like you aquire such a name?" Permithius asks confusedly

"I already said I'm not a pirate!" May exclaims

"Then.. what are you?" Permithius asks with slight shock in his voice

"I'm just a girl! I don't even know how I got here! I just saw these shadowy figures and now I'm here.." May exclaims confusedly

"WHAT?!" Permithius shouts in pure fear

"Wait!! What did I d-"

Permithius runs out the door, not giving her a chance to speak.

"What did I do?" May asks herself

May hears shouting outside, it was Permithius, telling the other villagers to evacuate immediately, shouting things like "danger is near!"

"Is it cause I'm not a pirate?" May thought to herself

May walks outside only to see villagers running away and looking terrified at her.

May suddenly hears the steps of a horse approaching, with a very fancy looking cat on it.

"I hear we have a problem nearby?" The fancy cat asks to the villagers.
No response.

The fancy cat spoke with what seemed like a British accent, he had orangish yellow fur, he had a smug look on his face and wore a fancy white fedora and had a little white suit and tie.

The fancy cat looks at May in the eyes and immediately shouts

The fancy cat jumps off its horse to inspect May, "what an interesting specimen.." He says under his breath,

The fancy cat jumps back and pulls out a sword.

"Anyhow! I suppose 'tis time to remove you from this humble village, you.. whatever you are. I shall give you two choices, you may fight me, and well, of course I'll win, or you could return to wherever you dumb little pirates live."

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