Chapter 2: The King and His Deciple

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"Can I um... choose neither?" May asks softly

"A FIGHT IT IS!" The fancy cat yells

"Oh! Ummm.. ok?" May says

The fancy cat then swings its little sword at May, it gave her a small cut.

"Ow.. that hurt, quit that!!" May exclaims

The fancy cat then swings it's sword again.

"Ouch!! I told you to stop>:("

May pulls out a spray bottle and sprays it onto the fancy cat. It's fur ruffles and it makes a super high vertical jump on 4 legs and hisses

"YEAH TAKE THAT!!>:D" May exclaims with a look of joy on her face

The fancy cats sentence is Interupted by more water "STO-" May continues spraying water on the fancy cat

May finally stops spraying and the fancy cat wipes his face and flings water off his arms.
"Very well then pirate.. you win.. that was.. terrible."

But suddenly two more fancy looking cats came from the building behind her and jumped on her, knocking her down. "Hey!-" May exclaims Then two more fancy cats put May in handcuffs, the fancy cat jumps back onto his horse and looks down at May as she's being handcuffed and states
"Hah, that is what you get! Wretched pirate!"

"Gah! Who even are you?! Why are you doing this?!" May shouts

"Me? I am King Glorps first deciple!"

May smiles and holds back laughter
"G-GLORP?! What kind of name is GLORP?! Is it some alien or something?!" May asks while laughing hysterically

"Ugh, what?! What even is an alien, and how dare you make fun of the king!" The Kings Deciple shouts at May

"Ohh nevermind" May chuckles

She is then thrown into a cart on the back of the horse and she shouted and wiggled around for about 4 minutes during the ride to the kings castle. But then she thinks about what king Glorp could be, she laughs at the thought.

"Why are you giggling, pirate?!" The Kings Deciple yells and turns his head towards May

"Sorry sorry I'll be quiet." May mumbles

The ride continues for about 10 minutes and then they arrive at the Kings castle, it is glorious, polished white with a shine that hurts you eyes.

"Wow." May mumbles in shock

The Kings Deciple then struggles to drag May towards the stairs to the castles entrence "h-hey!" May shouts to the cat They get to the stairs "OW OW OW OW OW OW" May exclaims in pain

They arrive to the kings throne after awhile of The Kings Deciple struggling, the king looks down from his throne, he was just an ordinary cat. 'Wait, what?' May thinks to herself

"Hello there human." King Glorp greets May as he walks down the stairs of his big throne.

'He knows what I am?! None of the other ones do..' May thinks to herself confusedly

"Wait, you know what I am?!" May exclaimed

"Of course, I know alot." The king mutters

"But.. why didn't the others?" May asks

"They have no need to know of disgusting creatures such as you!" The king exclaims

"I an not disgusting! Why are you all so rude?!>:(" May shouts to the king

"What. It's just the truth. You all look.. like hairless gorillas, they shouldn't have evolved, i swear to Sorous your entire universe is weird." The king mutters

"%#$hole! I think we look nice." May says while crossing her arms and looking away from the king

"Well you're wrong, anyhow that is not why I brought you here, you spoke of.. forbidden subjects and well, I simply cannot have that. What do you know, human?" The king asks with a serious tone

May was hesitant to tell, and she thought the king was a piece of s#$% so she exclaimed "no! I won't tell." And crosses her arms

The king looks down at her, and with a snap of his fingers, May goes unconscious and tells The King everything.
"Humans I swear to Sorous."

May snaps out of it, "what the #%#! just happened?!" May shouts in shock

"So you saw the shadows of Centath, and they took you here.. why would centath take a random human here? Do you have some connection to Centath?!" The King yells to May

"No! What the !%#% is a Centath?! Can you let me go now?!" May asked

The king raised an eyebrow and says "how can I trust you?"

"I don't know man! I'm just a girl, I don't even know how I got here."

"Whatever, anyhow I suppose I'll have to execute you."

The king shouts to his executioner to arrange the execution, but he's Interupted by a bag being put over his head, the king attempts to scratch it off, it doesn't work.

The mysterious and quick creature who put the bag on the King swiftly grabs May and runs out of the castle, "hey!-" May is Interupted by the swift creature starting to sprint, The King manages to get the bag off of his head, and shouts to his soldiers, "GET THEM!" The soldiers chased after them for a few minutes but eventually lost them in a nearby jungle, the swift creature navigates through the forest and eventually gets to a camp, May passes out.

The Swift creature was a cheetah, the camp was full of other creatures, such as a fox, wolf, and lion, but they didn't walk on two legs unlike the cats, though they still talked, the Cheetah sets May down onto a blanket, the fox walks up to May and looks down at her with a concerned look, "is she okay?" The fox asks

"She will be fine." the cheetah answered.

"why did you bring her here, who is she?" The fox asked

"Another victim of sorous's puppet." The cheetah answered with an angered look on his face, they all hated Sorous. May awoke, and asked "where am i?" The cheetah looks down at May, "long story short, this world isn't what you think."

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