What Was The Point Of That

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Black Hat places a hand on his chin, "Interesting. But he won't stop me," Black Hat grins widely, "I have fun seeing him cry once he finds out he can't beat me or my organization."

Black Hat walks away forgetting about the newspaper that he wanted.

After a few minutes, Black Hat hears someone say the news and remembers about the newspaper. Black Hat gets annoyed at himself and goes back to the Old Crap shop.

Once arriving Black Hat takes another newspaper aggressively.

Soon after taking a newspaper, he hears Vox starting to sing.

(I'm too lazy to write the whole song cut me some slack.)

As Vox sings Black Hat says confused, "Why is he singing? That's idiotic."

Black Hat sees Vox hypnotize the sinners and rolls his eyes unimpressed.

Black Hat sees a shadow put a radio on a table inside the old crap shop and raises an eyebrow

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Black Hat sees a shadow put a radio on a table inside the old crap shop and raises an eyebrow.

Alastor starts to also sing which makes Black Hat even more confused, "What the is everyone going to sing now?!"

Once Alastor starts to insult Vox causing Vox to make a blackout makes Him smile.

Black Hat leaves and makes a portal to his office to read his newspaper glad that this time nobody noticed him this time. But a few moments later Flug enters Black Hat's office with a sci-fi-looking spray bottle.

Flug gives it to Black Hat who puts down his newspaper and grabs the spray bottle. Black Hat sighs and puts the spray bottle on his table causing Flug to get scared.

Black Hat looks at Flug asking, " Why does it look like a spray bottle?"

Flug sweats a little saying, "W-well boss you see Dememcia interrupted me and I had to use a spray bottle."

Black Hat massages his head, "You know what it's fine. Today was a lot of weird day for me I just saw two people having a singing battle. Disgusting."

Flug nods confused and thinks, "What kind of hell is this? Having singing battles what? This isn't hell it's like Earth but with a little more chaos."

Black takes the spray bottle, "Just go before I decide to torture you."

Flug panics and says, "Okay thank you my lord Black Hat," before leaving.

Black Hat takes a deep breath and snaps his fingers summoning a camera, "Time to make a new advertisement."

After the blackout, all of the TVs turned on with some green energy around them. Some sinners wonder if it's Vox but not the Black Hat organization logo appears. The sinners get excited about what it's going to be about.

Black Hat grinning with his hands together on the table, "Hello demon roaches it is I Black Hat

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Black Hat grinning with his hands together on the table, "Hello demon roaches it is I Black Hat. You may be wondering what new product am I going to show. Well, are you annoyed that a pale, blonde, red cheek, and always wearing the same clothes every day like all of us? Well if you have arnt you're lucky because our new product is a spray bottle."

The sinners look at each other confused about a spray bottle

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

The sinners look at each other confused about a spray bottle.

Black Hat shows the spray bottle his grin slightly lowers but none of the sinners don't notice.

Black Hat looks straight at the camera, "This spray bottle isn't only a spray bottle. It's a spray bottle that shoots out some angelic dust. If the dust hits a demon the demon will be weakened and unconsciously step away. The dust won't kill them but only keep them away from you. If you really want you can keep on spraying a demon with the spray and the demon would just get weaker and weaker. But sadly the effects are not forever."

The sinners look at each other interested in the spray bottle.

Black Hat places a hand on the spray bottle, "This product will only cost 100 souls or of course your soul. The time is ticking extermination might come sooner or later. Also, one last thing Vox Tech Enterprises sells cheap stuff compared to my products. Unlike my product, his products are just more cameras, more drones, and now hehe weak angelic weaponry. I would highly recommend not buying from his company anymore. See you all soon MUHAHAHA."

The TVs show the Black Hat organization logo and then the TVs turn off

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

The TVs show the Black Hat organization logo and then the TVs turn off. The sinners look at each other and wonder if the Black Hat organization and Vox Tech Enterprises are going to fight against each other.

Vox watches the TV at his home shocked that Black Hat insulted his company. Vox grows angry and says, "That little cocky piece of SH-"


Hello, thank you for reading another part of this fanfiction. Since spring break started you might be thinking that I have a lot of free time to work on this fanfict. But sadly I can't because my parents are taking me to Mexico and my WiFi doesn't work there. I have to be inside a home that has WiFi for me to have WiFi. This means that most likely I won't be uploading anything for a while.

I'm sorry about having to be gone for a while but don't worry if you really want to see the end of this fanfic you will see it but it will be a while until you can. Thank you for your support.

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