"You really shouldn't throw this around, they're pretty expensive to replace nowadays." Nikolai hands the phone back but not before looking it over for damages. He flips it over again and chuckles at the collage of Polaroid photos on the back of the case.

"Nice phone case."

She keeps her eyes on the floor and nods respectfully as he hands over her phone.

"It was a gift, my friends made for me."

"BoA, 2NE1, T-Ara, and" he glanced again at the case, she desperately tried to put it away, but he reached over with his index finger, slowly raised the phone, and looked back at her in a pleasant amusement.

"Is that Solar?"

Morgan happily nods.

"Yes, it is, I love to listen to music while I'm doing my cooking" She quickly places one of her hands in her pocket and tries not to show her nerves. She stuns herself for a moment trying to understand what in the hell her body has just defaulted to.

He chuckles and continues. "Cooking huh? Let me guess, your favorite song is Honey right?"

She smirked, looking him up and down. From his shoes to his belt, to his shirt, then to his eyes, and back to his shoes.

"If you must know, I'm more of a Spit It Out kind of girl."

Her response makes him laugh. The answer fitting to her demeanor, he felt as though her response was playing on words, inferring that she wanted him to speak up. Morgan tucked a loose lock of her hair behind her ear and tapped her foot in an anxious rhythm. She could just walk away, and the encounter would be over, but it's not like she has somewhere to be, and it's not like she meant to throw her phone at him.

"Yeah?" He folds his arms and takes a step back, leaning his shoulder against the wall.

"Yes." She looked back at him, this time keeping focus. "There aren't many Moomoos around here so, I'm both perplexed and humored to have met you, this is quite the encounter."

"I like that." He started "I'm biased, as a Moonie personally so, In The Mood is where I find my peace." Know any songs from her main group?"

"Main group? Of course I do, have you not just seen my phone?" She smiles and responds without a hint of hesitation, but with a generous amount of sass, and pride.

"I'll do you one better and name five! DingaDinga, Gogobebe, Egotistic WindFlower, and Starry Night."

"Overachiever. I see." He gives a subtle nod, he wanted to applaud but he felt it would come off as condescending. "All very good choices."

"Well, what about you? You seem to be pretty well versed."

She adjusts her position by moving further to the side of the hallway and stands in front of him.

"What are your picks?" She asks both out of curiosity and to keep the conversation going.

"Ahhh let's see," he tilts his head toward the door then he raises his eyebrows as if he was reminded of something special, "I'm more of a Mr.Ambiguous guy myself and I do enjoy my coffee with Aya. "

"Oh, Aya! That's a great one, I'm impressed." She took her phone out again and tried her best not to stumble over herself. She's not as shy as she used to be, but she's trying her best not to fangirl over what others must figure, on the outside, to sound like a casual conversation.

"Well, Mr. Ambiguous, I think you're the highlight of my day."

Nikolai nods his head and accepts the compliment.

"Thanks, though it was my sister who was a big fan, I took her to a concert a few years back, guess I became a MooMoo that day." Nikolai shrugged

"Though I must admit, you seem to have been pretty well saturated in their discography."

"I could say the same for you. Though, I'm sensing you know more than what you're letting on."

"What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow, surely she wasn't going to grill him on his knowledge right now.

"Do you find it hard to see even with your eyes wide open?" Morgan asked, in hopes he would catch on to her words.

He smirks, intrigued by the remark, and is quick to decipher that she's talking about a particular album. A response is quickly worked up in his mind, and he responds.

"Not in the slightest, dear wallflower. I expect you to want me to cry for you. Give me something harder, paint me a masterpiece."

"That's cheating, that's MiSaMo, which is the J-line from Twice, but I guess I'll allow it."

He shrugs

"Ah..." She taps her chin and a thought comes to mind "TrinityAce."

He scoffed at her, both with determination and newfound confidence. Obscure bands were something of a secret indulgence for him.

"Game bands, an entire Pandora of talent there. And also, since you refreshed my memory, do you prefer AlterCrown or MegaCake?"

"AlterCrown. " she smiles brightly "Red Velvet or Aespa"

"How dare you make me choose between two powerhouse groups... RV of course." He shifted away from the door to allow the students lined up along the wall to enter the classroom and take their seats. Morgan was impressed, but she also wanted to grill him a bit more. She was having fun challenging his knowledge of music groups. She decides to see if she can sneak past him.

"I'm quite the mysterious lady," she says as she looks toward the ceiling.

His head swivels in a humored praise, as he deciphers her words "Mysterious lady wasn't that U-Kiss? They aren't even in the same circuit-" He glances at his watch.

"It still counts." Morgan softly whispered

"I'm gonna have to disagree there madam, and say, No it doesn't-'' He was interrupted by the bell and He and Morgan were the only two in the hallway. He glances inside his classroom notices he's got a full house, and then addresses Morgan. He holds his hand out for her to shake it.

"This was quite a delight, I hope the conversation isn't completely over miss... uhh?" He puts his hand back as Morgan hasn't reached for him, so his hand is just floating there.

"Akaini. Morgan Akaini," She responded with a curtsy "Future Director Of Confections and Fine Dining"

"Well, Miss Akaini, I hope I have the pleasure of seeing you around campus again. Be Free, Frisbee." He bows in response. He felt it was only right since she gave him quite the formal greeting. Moreover, the Director of Confections looked about as young as the other interns, maybe a bit older but judging from her attire, Maybe she was shadowing a new professor looking to get a job on campus in the Culinary department.

"Eh, it depends on my schedule. But if you talk that talk, I'll entertain you again." Morgan shrugged as she walked away, looking back at him only after she made it to the exterior door leading to the courtyard.

They waved to one another once more, and Morgan was out the door 

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