Chapter 2

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Seokmin woke up early at his usual time as he stretches his body a little and finally left to take a good shower after 20 mins he was done showering and was doing his morning routine. He put on a white hoodie paired up with blue loose jeans and a white sneakers.
(※Remember he has alot of money which was left by his beloved mother)
He hurriedly left his room and straightly went towards the kitchen to breakfast for his evil family.

He made bacon,sandwiches,fried rice,salad,tea or coffee.

When suddenly a cough was heard from his behind making him flinch as he slowly look back was meet with an sharp eyes making him immediately look down. It was his dad who was coming closer making him feel scared by the thought of getting beaten up in the early morning. Its not like he never got beaten early in morning but now he was just too tired from everything. But instead he got a soft pat on his head which made him shock as he slowly look up and saw his father smiling softly at him which got replaced into blank face asa they heard his step-mother calling for him. He immediately back away and left the kitchen. Seokmin was froze in his place as he was too stunned to speak. As he heard the lady calling his name once again and this time he responded slowly.

As he set the table and serves them food in between eating his step-sister ordered him to bring her juice to which he immediately left to get it and gave her the juice. As he was getting late for his classes so he left the house without having breakfast, he never really ate breakfast in morning but somehow his friends will make him eat in cafeteria of their uni.

Seokmin entered the hallway and saw his friends waiting for him as he waved at them getting thousands of wave back as he giggle at their childish behavior.

As Seungkwan hugged Seokmin tightly making hiss in pain. Seungkwan immediately look at him.

'Did she beat u again?' Seungkwan questioned him worriedly to which Seokmin nodded slowly while winching in pain as Seungkwan gritted his teeth while cursing her making others join him too.

(Btw they already know about Seokmin getting abuse by his family to which they always tries to help him but he always refuses it while saying 'I don't be a burden to you guys' which they couldn't understand him)

'That bitch is fucking getting out of control now I might really kill her' Seungkwan said making others nodded too.

'Right she is really getting out of control now and we can't see our baby kyeomie getting hurt' Jeonghan said as he hug the poor boy gently making him break down into tears which he have been controlling.

'T..Thank guys' Seokmin said softly still sniffing making everyone join the hug as they did a group hug.

'Okay its enough now, Classes are about to start so everyone go to your respective class' Seokjin said to others as everyone bidding goodbye to each other while leaving to their respective classes.

Seokmin left with Minghao as it was their english class. As they sat on their own seats and started listening to the lecture which has already started.

Time skip~~~

After his last class ended, he immediately stood up packing his bag and making his out of the class as he have to go cafe a little bit early.

He bid goodbye to his friends and started walking towards the way of the cafe. He opened the door and got inside while greeting others as he place his bag on counter and started working.

It was past 8 now means he was late. He took his back-pack and hurriedly left the cafe not before bidding goodbyes to everyone.
(Its his habits to behave kind which his mother had taught him, he's just too pure)

He entered the house and was greeted with a hard slap making his face turned side way as he immediately hold his cheek while tears started flowing down from his pretty eyes as he bit his lips to prevent himself from sobbing.

'Where the fuck were you bitch?' Yunhi (Seokmin's step-mother) said while yelling at him as she grip his hairs harshly and throw him on the floor making yelp in pain.

'I..I was the' Seokmin stuttered.

'Oh really! Do you think I'm dumb huh!!' Before Seokmin could even say anything, Yunhi had already started beating him as he begged her to stop becoz it was hurting alot. She beats him till he almost passed out. Yunhi left him there while cursing him.

Seokmin sat up a little while putting his back against the sofa as he breathe heavily, tears made their way on his cheeks.

'Mama I miss you alot. Why did you leave me alone in this cruel world, I can't take it anymore it hurts alot.' Seokmin said while crying silently as he slowly got up from the cold floor while winching in pain as he walking while limping towards his room becoz his whole body was paining due to the hard kicks and punches.

As soon he entered the room, he immediately took out the first-aid kit and starts treating his wounds as he can't help but to cry in pain. His whole body was covered in bruises and cuts.

After he was done treating his wounds, suddenly he heard his father yelled his name as he got up slowly and started walking downstairs while holding onto the railings.

As soon as he got there, he saw his father sitting on coach looking deadly serious. Seokmin bow down to his father and stood straight as his father started speak.....

'I have something to tell you, its more like a good news for you'

'W..what is f..father?' Seokmin stutters.

'You're getting married to Mr. Hong's son in next weeks' Seokmin's father said blankly. It took time for Seokmin process everything.

'W..what' Seokmin exclaimed

'You heard me, now go to sleep becoz tomorrow they're coming in our house and I want everything ready on time, got it!'

'O..okay a..appa, G..goodnight' Seokmin once again bow down and left from there leaving his father alone there.

Seokmin lay down in his bed while thinking how his life has became a drama soon sleep took over him and he fall into deep slumber.


Heyy Beautifuls!! This chapter tells u about how Seokmin's life going on.
I hope you've like this chapter💜.

~~Thank you~~

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