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'You're getting married next week'


'You heard it you're getting married next weak with Mr. Hong's son '

'O..okay a..appa G..goodnight'

'Can't u understand just go from here'

'Pls don't do this to me'

'U're mine wife na, then act like one come on'

'You can't rape me like this pls leave me p..pls AAAAHHH'

'Be a good wife and fulfill ur hubby's wishes'


'Feeling good Princess'

' d..down pl..pls i..its a.alot'

'Can't you do a single work properly huh'

'I'm sorry, I'll make it again'

'No need, you've fucking ruined my day'

'I..i'm r..really sorry'

'Such a pain in ass'

'Joshua..shi I've something to tell you'

'What is it'


'Sorry I didn't heard, u're what?'

'I'm pregnant'


'I'm sorry pls forgive me Seokmin'

'Its okay Joshua, I forgive you'

'Why're you so kind, even after I hurt u this much, you still forgive me why?'

'Its okay you don't have apologized anymore, I already forgive you'

'You're an angel Seokmin, I don't deserve you'

'I love you Hong Seokmin'

'I love you too Hong Joshua'

'Mama and Dada love you alot our little sunshine'

Hiii I hope u'll like this book too like "The Family".

Forced Marriage •SeoksooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang