Beleth | ベレス

364 17 1

The Djinn looked at her again, its lips inching upwards to form what she thinks is a grin. "You would wish to make a deal with me?" It asked her, amusement evident in its tone.

"Yes," Lucy replied, "in exchange for letting us go, I will set you free."

If possible, its grin grew wider before it burst out into a haunting-like laughter.

"I see." Its voice echoed off of the walls of the room, black tar once again cascading over its body, although this time when it began to slide off of it in clumps, it revealed something so much less horrifying, in the form of a much paler-blue being wearing jewelry made of gold.

"What an interesting human you are, little girl from another world," it shrunk, leveling itself to Lucy's height without any sound, tilting its head in her direction.

Now that she can see it better and without the air of tension that seemed to have vanished when it changed forms, it looked a lot more like what she was told a Djinn would look like. It had long blue hair, just a shade darker than its now sky-blue tinted skin, with only amethyst eyes instead of tens of red ones leaking blood, and it looked perfectly harmless, with nothing about it indicating that it was even capable of harming her.

But still not trusting what would happen if she lowered her guard, she asked, "so is that a yes?" To which the Djinn grinned at her again for, this time much less intimidatingly and much more friendly.

"Ah, I do believe I should introduce myself to you now." It realized, giving her an exaggerated bow. "I am the Djinn of this dungeon, Beleth. I am he who first appears to test those who believe themselves worthy enough of conquering this dungeon, with or without a Magi, deeming whether they prove themselves to be courageous enough to see my true form."

Lucy furrowed her brows in confusion. Why was he telling her all this?

"And you little girl from another world, are the first in a very long time who I have deemed worthy." He stood up from his bow, answering her unspoken question. "Congratulations, Master, for you have just cleared this dungeon."

With a snap of his fingers, the walls around them began to crumble and Lucy, who was frantically looking around to see what was happening, finally laid her eyes back onto a still unconscious Team Natsu who would surely die under a pile of rubble as big as the dungeon, especially since she has no idea what happens to a dungeon when it's cleared.

"Wait!" She pointed at them as her body began to glow white and disappear, "take them with us, please." She pleaded, and before she could see what was happening, her entire vision was covered in white, forcing her to close her eyes, and when she opened them again, she was outside of the dungeon, right where she first entered, with nothing looking out of the ordinary.

"It worked," she muttered breathlessly, still shocked about everything that had just happened. "Wait what happened to—" she spun around to see a pile of rocks where the dungeon once stood, with no way to see how to get into it again. Looking a bit over to the side of it, she then saw Wendy, Erza, Gray, and Natsu piled upon each other, all relatively unhurt.

They're all still okay, she thought with relief, placing a hand over her rapidly beating heart to calm herself, but instead of feeling the fabric of her shirt, her fingers brushed over something smooth. Something that most certainly was not there before. "What?" She felt around it, now feeling the outline of a pendant.

Not one to usually wear necklaces like this, she was confused, lowering her head to try to take a better look at it only to notice that the chain it's attached to is of the same type of gold as that of the Djinn's jewelry and that the color of it shares a striking resemblance to its eyes.

"What is this?" She asked while clutching onto it, realization suddenly dawning on her that from what she remembers about them, it isn't just a pendant, but the Djinn.

Lucy's eyes widened fractionally, realizing the importance of the pendant and tucked it into her shirt to avoid attention being brought to it and to keep it marginally safer than it would've been if she kept it exposed. If it worked anything like her keys, then she knows she needs to keep it safe. Patting it one last time, she walked to the shore of the island, looking for Kouen's ship where she assumes they're all docked on.

But strangely enough, there was no ship there. There was no anything there, just water stretching further than she could ever hope to see.

They couldn't have just left her here, she knows this, for even though she wishes they didn't abandon her, she knows that at least Kouen or Sinbad would wait a bit, if not to see her come out then to see what would happen to the invisible dungeon when she either dies or comes out alive. It hasn't even been that long either, a few hours at most, she's sure of.

Now more frantic, Lucy began searching around the island for any signs of life, but all she got from her search is the island feeling more... familiar than she would have expected. But she brushed the feeling off, much more focused on other things when she suddenly stopped, startled.

She didn't realize it before because she's so used to it, but there's so much ethernano around her, much more than there ever was in the other world. It feels familiar too, unlike how it did in Edolas, much like—

With a few shaky breaths, she took a few steps back, finally realizing everything looked so familiar because Lucy isn't on the same island she was on before, no, somehow, she's back on Tenrou Island, in Earthland.

A/N: You know what's crazy? That on the Magi  wiki for Djinns, they only had the names of the ones that other people have and for all the others, there's just black spaces there. So I had to go research all 72 of Solomon's demons (cuz that's what the Djinn's are based off of) and had to pick and choose my own to be Lucy's Djinn and ended up picking King Beleth who was first summoned by Noah's son, Ham, because he's the most interesting one imo. Hope you enjoyed :)

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