Celestial Spirit World | 星霊界

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Slowly, Lucy blinked her eyes open. Surrounding her wasn't the Leam ship she had been getting used to. No, it was something entirely different. It was the Celestial Spirit World. Still adjusting to the sudden brightness of the room, Lucy took in her surroundings.

The Celestial World was breathtaking no matter how many times she's seen it.

Once her eyes fully adjusted, Lucy was able to see all her spirits surrounding her. "Hi," she simply said with a bright smile. Almost immediately, Gemi and Mini threw themselves onto her with as big of a hug they could muster with their small bodies. "Lucyyyy!" They simultaneously yelled. A smile still on her face, Lucy gently patted them. "We missed you, piri-piri." The two squeezed her harder, although even with both of them together, they could only reach halfway around her body in their normal form.

"Yes, yes, I missed you too. All of you." Lucy looked up at the rest of her spirits who still stayed an arms width away, to give her space if she needed it as well as giving them an opportunity to get to her immediately if they needed to.

Once Gemi and Mini unlatched themselves from her, Aquarius was next. An angry expression evident on her face, she practically stomped towards Lucy with her tail. Expecting to get hit on the head from her mother figure, Lucy closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact she knew was coming out of a place of love. However, instead of feeling a throbbing on top of her head, she was squished into a warm and comforting embrace.

Confused for a brief moment, Lucy stood there, frozen in place before wrapping her arms Aquarius. "You stupid child," she said softly. "You should have come back a long, long time ago." Slowly, Lucy was released from the embrace, her previous soft smile now replaced with a cheeky one. Seeing this, Aquarius hit the top of her head gently.

"But how dare you not try to summon us for more than seven whole years? Or get us to get you out of Fairy Tail." The name of her previous guild was spit out with venom.

"Ow~" Lucy whined slightly. It didn't hurt though and Aquarius knew that.

"We will have much more time for a reunion later, but for now, you guys know that the Celestial Spirit King wanted to talk to Princess once she arrived." Loke said as the voice of reason for the first time.

Were they expecting me to come here?

"Oh psh, you're only saying that because you got to spend the most time with her, both before and after she moved worlds, ebi."

Loke had nothing to say to that but Lucy wasn't paying attention to either of them. She was more focused on her own thoughts. Does that mean that they had a place waiting for me for when they thought I'd be back?

"Right!" Loke clapped his hands and snapped Lucy out of her thoughts. "Please come this way Princess, to meet the Celestial Spirit King." He bowed towards her and moved his arm to escort her. Lucy promptly ignored him and walked forward herself, looking away from the fake hurt Loke was showing.

Honestly, Lucy was kind of nervous to meet him. She's only met him one time, and even then it was very brief and Lucy didn't get a chance to properly converse with him. Their conversation was mostly pleading and begging to save Loke and the Spirit King seemed quite scary and intimidating at that time.

She hoped it wouldn't be the same now and that she wasn't in trouble for breaking a Celestial Spirit law.

"Lucy Heartfilia." She heard a voice come from above her. "Greetings," it said. Above her, at least six meters tall, was the Celestial Spirit King, standing in all his tall, imposing glory. He nodded at the other spirits in the area they were in and they all walked away. Lucy gulped, even more nervous than before.

"I have a favour I must ask of you."

A/N: kind of a shorter chapter than I wanted it to be because finals absolutely demolished me more than I thought it would so I didn't have much time to write this past month :'). But, I wanted to get this out as soon as I could because it's been a while since the last. The next chapter will be much longer tho and actually include the spoilers I said this chapter was supposed to last chapter.

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