Start from the beginning

By now, the other four had woken from their light sleep and were looking at the saddened boy. Hearing Brix's response, Stryke stood to his feet and walked over to Brix. Setting his hand on Brix's shoulder, Stryke said, "Well, then there's only one thing we can do now."

Brix looked up at Stryke through moist eyes. "Wh...what's that?"

"Go dancing!" Styke responded with a smile. "The best remedy for a broken heart is to go dancing." Turning back to the other five, Stryke said, "Come on, everyone. We now have a mission: to have a long, fun night and comfort Brix's poor, broken heart."

"Great! Where are we going?" Toma was quick to jump to his feet and join Stryke in his attempt to cheer Brix. 

Liyam was the next to stand to his feet. "Sounds fun. Let's do it."

Soon, everyone was on their feet...well, everyone except Lay. Being a heavy sleeper, Lay had slept through the entire interaction and was completely unaware of the newly made plans. Knowing that this week had been the hardest on Lay, Wen turned to the others and said, "I'll stay back with Lay. He's exhausted and should probably rest tonight."

Lay had never been one for physical activities much less any type of training or martial arts, so he was particularly drained from the long week. Aware of this, Wen could not leave Lay asleep on his own, so he decided to remain behind and care for his friend.

"Aww, Wennnn! You gotta come, though!" Toma protested. "It's going to be so much fun! I'd hate for you to miss it."

Looking at Toma's eagerness for him to join the group, Wen suddenly remembered how Gabbi and Mel had often encouraged Wen to go out and have fun with friends. He had never had the time due to studies and work, but now that he was in Azari and did not have to worry about tuition, he did not have the excuse of having to work anymore.

Deciding that it might not be a bad idea to go out at least once, Wen replied, "I'll put Lay to bed and catch up with you guys later."

Satisfied with Wen's response, Toma nodded. "Okay, but promise to come once you get Lay tucked in."

Wen nodded in agreement as Stryke slung his arm over Brix's shoulders. Happy with Wen's promise to eventually catch up to them, Toma turned and joined Stryke and Brix in walking out of the lounge area.

"I'll send you the address," Stryke told Wen as he and Brix walked past.

Wen watched the five leave the lounge before turning to his friend dead asleep on one of the sofas. Carefully lifting Lay, Wen scooped his friend in his arms and began walking down the long hallway. Reaching Room 406, Wen hung Lay's holowatch in front of the door's access panel to unlock it.

Hearing the door chirp, Wen then pushed the door inward and walked into his friend's dorm room. Seeing Lay's belongings on the left side of the dorm, Wen carefully set Lay on the left bed. Pulling back the sheet and blanket, Wen gently laid them over his friend before standing back up straight.

Lay, who had remained fast asleep throughout this, then released a small moan before turning over on his side and hugging one of the blanket's corners. Seeing Lay unconsciously make himself comfortable in the bed, Wen smiled to himself before turning to exit the dorm.

However, as he took a step to leave, something caught Wen's eye. Turning back around, Wen walked up to the nightstand stationed beside the bed and bent down to pick up a small, framed picture. Physical pictures were quite rare and outdated, so Wen was surprised Lay had gone to the lengths to get a picture printed and placed in a frame.

Bringing the frame to his chest, Wen smiled softly when he saw the contents of the picture. It had been taken that very summer when Lay and Wen's family had gone to one of the city parks and had a small picnic. Emmi and Hanna sat on Wen and Lay's laps while Lisa knelt behind her four children. The five of them were smiling and happy. It had been a beautiful, warm day, and it had clearly meant a lot to Lay.

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