9. Silence

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Every time me and Rayne just looked in the same direction as each other, it was awkward and uncomfortable.

The simplest interactions felt so strained and fake. Instead of that sparking familiarity or ease I always saw in Rayne's eyes whenever they just looked at me, it was replaced with uneasiness.

Our conversations, once filled with laughter and shared secrets, were just gone now. 

I fucked up bad, I know that. 

Maybe they'll talk to me one day.

As the days stretched into weeks, I found myself clinging to the hope that maybe, just maybe, Rayne would find it in their heart to forgive me. I longed for the chance to rebuild what we had lost, to mend the fractures in our friendship, and to start anew. But until that day came, all I could do was carry the weight of my mistakes and pray for a second chance.

I knew I had made mistakes, and that my insecurities had driven us apart. But the weight of regret weighed heavily on my shoulders. If only time travel existed.

Suddenly, my phone dings with a notification. 

Rayne POV:

I sit in my 5th period. World History. It used to be my favorite class with Axel now turned into a bore. I dreaded going. I dreaded seeing him. As the teacher rambled on about some war, my mind wandered, unable to shake the memories of happier times shared with Axel. 

Every glance in his direction was met with a pang of longing mixed with resentment. It was painful to witness how effortlessly he seemed to move on. 

Makes me wonder if we were ever really friends.

I sit alone at lunch. Yuna was out sick. So for the rest of the week, I was completely alone.

The cafeteria was louder than hell with activity as students chatted and laughed with their friends. I watched them with envy. 

I look towards the entrance of the cafeteria to see Axel with Ryker, Riley, and Elizabeth.

Why in hell is he hanging with his fucking ex?

Elizabeth gives him a small kiss on the cheek as the group walks out of the building.

"What the fuck." I mumble to myself, not able to tear my eyes away from the double doors that just shut.

As the lunch hour dragged on, the weight of what I had witnessed bore down on me like a leaden cloak. I couldn't shake the feeling of being replaced in a way. And try as I might to push the thoughts away, they gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, refusing to be ignored.

We never dated, why the fuck should I care?

With a heavy sigh, I gathered my things and made my way out of the cafeteria, the echo of Axel's laughter still ringing in my ears. As I disappeared into the crowded hallway, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever find the courage to confront him, to demand answers to questions I wasn't sure I wanted to hear.

Axel POV:

"Ryker, I don't understand why I'm doing it either," I said over the phone. "I just thought... giving Eliza another chance isn't such a bad thing?"

'Are you hearing yourself? She cheated on you, yet she broke up with you!' Ryker yelled back. 

I paced around my room, not wanting to sit down and just... listen. That would be hell.

"I know... I know! I'm just... going through something right now, okay?" I sit on my bed just to immediately get up and pace around again. 

'Axel. End whatever is going on between you and Elizabeth before it gets bad again. Remember how fucking upset you were over her? Do you wanna go through that again?'

I think to myself. 

Elizabeth sucked as a girlfriend. 

The weight of Ryker's words hit me like a punch to the gut, each syllable a painful reminder of the mistakes I was about to repeat. I knew he was right—I had been down this road before, and it had only led to heartache and betrayal.

'She's still the same person she was a year ago, Axe.' Ryker continued. 

I sigh out loud.

"Well.. maybe she-" I was rudely cut off by Ryker.

'If you say that maybe she changed, stop now. She hasn't changed. You've seen her! She still bullies, she has a new dude every week, and do you remember how she treated Rayne at the cafe a couple of months back?'


Deep down, that's one of the reasons why I began hanging around Elizabeth. I would never admit it out loud. Why am I trying to get over someone I never dated? 

"What the fuck does Rayne have to do with this?"

Ryker sighed and I heard him pick up the phone again.

'You aren't getting my point.'

"Yeah, and I never fucking will." Out of anger, I hang up the phone.

I throw my phone on my bed.

I stare at it for a few moments.

"Fuck it."

I pack my gym bag and get some water before grabbing my phone and walking out my bedroom door, slamming it shut behind me.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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