1. Eye Contact.

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Axel POV:

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Axel POV:

"School sucks ass." 
"I know right?"
"I wish I could just drop out you know?"

I hear the same thing every day. You may be thinking, "What? Do you think school is great?" Hell no! I fucking hate school. It's all full of annoying chicks who wanna hook up with every guy they see, bullies, fights, and those "teacher pet" bitches who always remind the teacher of tests and homework that no one did. I just hate when people say those things. It ticks me off. I'm one of those "Bad boys" who always get into fights, and always get detention for just breathing. But, It feels like, I'm forced into those things, just because I hang around with the people who do the same thing. I get that reputation. And also because I'm an MMA "prodigy". I'm only 16! I can't fight those stupid big dudes like on TV! I could but, WELL I DON'T WANNA! I do enjoy boxing though. But, I feel bad beating people up for stupid lunch money. It's not like I have money.  I have a job. Only a part-time one though. Doesn't pay much but it works with me. Savin' up for the future you know? It just feels like I have my life planned out-



Ah, my only true friend, Ryker. Feels like he's the only chill one I know. 

"Awe, was the wittle baby dweep in thought againn?" He says making a little whiny voice. One how you'll talk to a baby or a puppy. 

"Yes. Don't fucking sneak up on me like that again damn it." I say giving him a nice look at my middle finger.

 It was lunch break. I had already eaten and was outside. There's a huge tree towards the back of the school. I hang around under it when I need to think. Ry knows of it too. I GUESS HE JUST WALTS ON OVER HERE TO SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. 

"Ok jeez, no need to get bitchy on me." He says kneeling. 

"Just wanted to tell ya, Me and my sis are heading over to the cafe down the street after school. And we wanted to know if you wanted to come. Ya know, being my best friend and shit" He looks over at me smiling at me. 

"I'm there! When should we meet?" I say looking over at him. "Oh, and nothing after 5. I have practice." 

"Hmmm.." Ry puts his pointer and thumb on his chin. "How about at 3:40? We meet at the parking lot." 

"The usual parking spot?"

"Yup the one by the wall."

"I'm there."

The day went by fast. Soon it was 3:35 and the bell rang. I rush through the crowds and find myself at the exit to the school. As soon as I was in the parking lot, cars were backing out, almost hitting me. I soon see Ryker with his twin sister, Riley, by his car. A 2015 dark gray Dodge Charger. Nice, nice car. I can't have a car yet because I accidentally crashed my mom's while learning how to drive. It's not my fault that house was built there! Anywho...

"Hey, guys," I say with a tired face. "You ready?"

"Hey, Ax. You seem tired?" Ryker says, "What happened to you man?" 

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