Secret Space- KAYA POV

Start from the beginning

"I won't be able to fix it without materials, which is the issue at hand," I say, looking at the two men ahead of me one at a time. "Are you saying you're planning on stealing from the farming guild?" I ask Ronan pointedly.

"It's not stealing, it's just using their materials to repair something that they also own. It's a win-win for them, free repairs to turn this hunk of junk into a working barn, which I will notify them about before we leave for our duty station in three months." His nonchalant attitude is grinding my gears. This is exactly what his responsibility to his own guild should drive him FROM doing, and yet here he is. I would never do this if the Faction had ever deemed me worthy enough to accept me. I was prepared to tell him to shove off and walk my ass back home, but I caught Sai's eyes.

Sai looked at me, and I could see the hope in his eyes, the slight plea for me to let the issue go. Chewing my cheek, I mulled over the issue. It's not like I'll get in trouble, for one, so there's no risk to me.. and even though it's not really ethical, I guess  I can see the benefit of fixing something that is going to waste. Would it really be so bad? The twinge in my gut said yes, but seeing Sai pleading with me is crushing my resolve.

"Fine. How do we get them?" I don't want to look them in the eyes.  Both Sai and Ronan breathe a sigh of relief.

"We can't just go up and take them, we have to act like we're in the guild, which will be easy for me. I got us some clothes.. Since Deirdre is incapable of coming, you'll just take her set." Ronan said, tossing me a bag.

Inside, there was the typical guild uniform. The farmer's guild buys special cloth from the engineering guild that expands in the heat to promote air flow, and shrinks together in the cold to help insulate. It's ingenious, and I'm very excited to have a pair for myself. There are brown trousers, a white tunic, and a brown cloak for over the top.

After I've taken inventory of what I've been given, I hear rustling. Sai and Ronan are already changing- right in front of me.

I don't believe in the gods, but if I did, it would be hard not to think that the two men in front of me weren't from the celestial waters. Ronan's back rippled as he unfolded his tunic, with dimples towards the bottom just above the pants he's currently wearing. His shoulders are broad and gleaming in the sunlight, as if he himself is glowing. I feel my face heat and my jaw start to drop.

Sai has a tan, no doubt from sunbathing during any time he has off. His abs give way to the deep V of his pelvis, inviting me to look lower. His chest has a light dusting of hair, and I gasped when I saw the two metal pieces on his nipples. He pierced them. 

I quickly turned around, my face rising to unnaturally high temperatures. I'm pretty sure my entire body is on fire with a passion that's based entirely on the instincts of my ovaries. I feel warmth come behind me. Expecting it to be Sai, I lean into it, ready to breath in his smoky scent.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you, Kaya. If you want to go back to Safe Haven, you're more than welcome to leave the borrowing to us," Ronan's voice was husky in my ear. Electricity felt like it was coursing through my veins, setting off tingling sensations across my body and settling into my pelvis. The hairs on my body raised as my whole body felt like it was vibrating in Ronan's presence. He chuckled into my ear.

"We could always skip getting the floor down and go straight to making a bed," he whispered into my ear, his voice hoarse. That snapped me out of it.

I turned and smacked him across the face. He doesn't even want me here, and now he's toying with me.

"You're a foul, little pig of a man. Don't fucking touch me."

Sai giggled in the background as I stomped to a thicket of trees to change into my new clothes.

After everyone was changed we started following Ronan down a dirt path through the trees. It was overgrown, but I could tell that this had once been a well-used road. How long has it been since it was an active part of the farming guild?

"How did you find this place, Ronan?" I called. He was keeping a pretty rigorous pace, little did he know that I've been training just as much as they have. Well, I probably have. I don't know exactly how much they train- but I do my fair share.

"I used to work it a bit when I was a kid, like a starter field. A huge storm blocked the main entrance, and everyone just kind of forgot about it because it's mostly meant for younger workers in training. I figure if I fix it, the next generation of farmers can start to work it again." He shrugged.

I chewed my lip, contemplating his response. It's a kind gesture for sure, but I couldn't help but feel like there's an ulterior motive here.

"Is that the only reason?" I questioned in an accusing tone. Sai shot me a look that told me to let it go.

Ronan snorted. "Okay, okay, you caught me. There's some herbs over that way that make the best moonshine. Farmer's guild ale hasn't been the same since they stopped gathering them. I'm hoping this will fix the issue. "

Sai turned back again, deadpan. He was thinking the same thing I was.

Just wait for Deirdre to find out.

We continued our trek until we reached the edge of the forest, overlooking a large clearing. There was a small horse stable in the distance. My stomach twisted into a knot. I have never ridden a horse before. My hands are sweating, now, realizing what's coming. 

Dread loomed over me as we pulled our cloaks over our faces and walked toward the barn. I will not ride a horse today, I don't care about the dumb barn or the ale. I will not make a fool of myself, and I most certainly will not show any sort of fear to Ronan. My only way out is to use my gift to try and all but two of the horses to escape and then I could volunteer to stay behind. It will be.. perfect! Okay, I might be a little manic right now, but I will get this figured out. I can't ride a damn horse.

Anxious energy fluttered through me as we walked into the stables. To my surprise, it was smaller up close, filled mostly with different tools and a ton of large, round bales of hay. There were only two actual horse stalls, with one black horse sitting at about 18 hands tall, and another smaller brown horse with a white speckled nose sitting at about 16 hands.

They huffed at us as we entered, and although I was feeling a lot of relief at there only being two horses, I was completely taken aback by how beautiful they were up close. I walked up to the smaller one and timidly placed my hand on its long snout. It huffed and I slinked away quickly. Nope.

"Let's get the saddles on these guys and then we'll head to the new barn where the materials are. We'll also need to grab the trailer on the way," Ronan said, half to himself, half to us. Sai and I shared a look that said let's get out of the way.

He sprung into action, grabbing various pieces of leather.. You could tell he was in his element here. I sat and stared for a moment, a little awestruck. The way his hands were so strong, yet gentle as he hoisted saddles onto the horses and tightened the straps, making sure it was tight enough to avoid slipping but not uncomfortable for the horse. He talked quietly to them as he gave scratches and attention to make them comfortable as they were prepared for our ride. 

My mind struggles to match this gentle giant with the monster that haunted me throughout my childhood. I shake my head, trying to shred those thoughts from my skull. Everything else he's shown me so far is conniving, and far, far from innocent.

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