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As Blaise and I continue walking. I can't help but think about my talk with Draco. I'm not thinking about him liking Hermione. I'm thinking more about the fact that I was thinking about my bestfriend and not my ex boyfriend. Is that weird? I think it's super weird. Why am I thinking like this? That's one of my best friends!
Oh my God.

I can't help but imagine how it would be if he liked me back. He doesn't like you back. I think to myself. I know he doesn't like me back but I imagine how we would go to hogsmeade and- I hear a voice.

"Lana?" I see a big hand waving over my eyes. I turn to Blaise.

"Are you ok? You kinda zoned out there," He says as I blink my eyes. He looks at me with confusion.
"Anyways, we are here," I nod as we walk in the store.
It looks old, roughed up but this is where blaise gets his liquor. Can't say nothing about that. The guy has light skin and tattoos on his body and face.

As Blaise and this dude keeps talking, I can't stop thinking about the talk with Draco and him liking Hermione, I feel a soft pain in my chest. This is the first time he's shown any feelings to anyone.

"And who's this?" The guy turns to me, I look at Blaise.
"Oh this is my cousin, Valeria, she's from the states," Blaise says. Why is he lying?
"Nice to meet you," He says, I turn to the guy
"You too," I say as he widens his eyes and looks at Blaise
"You are right! She's from the us. No accent," He says as I awkwardly smile.

I walk out the door as Blaise follows, we have like atleast 5 liquor bottles. As soon as we get a little further I turn to him.

"Why did you lie about my name?" I say looking at my shoes, he glanced at me once and then back to the street. The sun has set now.

"It's better if he doesn't know your name," He says as we continue walking to the store to pick up Draco.

"But he knows your name?" I say as confusion sets in. He looks at me and then says
"I can take care of myself," with a slight smile, I look at him once as we walk in silence.

We see Draco again, he gets up and glares at Blaise.
"You made me sit here like a homeless person," He says Blaise scoffs.
"Piss off," He says
"Okay. Okay. Can we all calm down. Mattheo and Enzo are waiting for us," I say standing in between us.
After 5 minutes we make it back into hogwarts. Draco used some spell to make the drinks invisible.

We make it back into the common room when I see Mattheo having one had around Crabbe and another around Goyle. I walk past them as I hear.
"If anyone tries to get in who isn't invited, kick their shins, will ya?"

Theo is in the couch with Enzo as I drop the party supplies. Theo looks up at me through his eyelashes.

"Look who finally made it," He say sarcastically.

"Tell that to your best friend, Blaise," I say

"Maybe next time I need to come with you,"

"Uhm no. That would be even worse, I'd rather take Leo," I add

Theo makes a disgusted face, As he takes on look at Enzo then back to me.

"The fact you would choose that thing over me is actually astonishing," I roll my eyes as he smiles
"Leo isn't that bad," I say as Leo walks to us. I look up at him. He has a mischievous look on his face. Here we go. As I give him a slight smile greeting him.

"I take it Nott is talking shit like always?" He say with a smile that makes Theo lose his smile
"Piss off," He says shooing him away making Leo smile so wide to the point you see his dimples.
"Hey Alana," He says now looking at me.
"Hey Leo" I say with a slight smile as Leo walks away.

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