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Alana Sinclair

Theo excused himself from the table 5 minutes ago, when Mattheo runs over to Kai and whispers, Well it wasn't really a whisper because I could hear the whole thing,
"Theo just fought his father,"
Kai gets up and walks out the door and I follow him, well I try to before
"Alana, where are you going," Diana says grabbing my

"I have to do something," I say trying not to give enough details, I speed walk out the door and see Kai and Mattheo holding back Theo's dad. While Blaise, Enzo and Leo hold back Theo, I put two and two together.Holy shit. Theo just got into a fist fight with his father. Kai is telling his father something, when Theo fixes his suit and walks away with out acknowledging any of us.

"Theo-" I start but it's no use, he is already walking away tuning everyone out. Theo's dad ends up walking away, Theo walks in the house, Maru speaks
"What just happened?"
"Don't know," Enzo says looking at all of us
I try following him when Kai grabs my arm
"Lana, Don't. He's probably mad," Kai says
"Let go, Kai," I say
He glares at me, then he lets go, backing away

I run after Theo, I walk in, but I don't see him, he's probably in the restroom. I go to the bathroom right next to the entrance and knock.
"Theo, are you in there?" I say softly
The door opens, Theo has a gash on his cheek and I can see that his hand is even worse then his face.
"What do you need?" He says a little more rude then I wanted it to be

"Are you okay?" I say, A stupid stupid question, how would I feel after I got into a fist fight with my father.
"How do I look like I feel," Theo says backing away from the door to let me in
"Terrible," I say trying to make light of the situation
He laughs gently but he winces.

"A little help here," I say playfully
He smiles and picks me and sets me on the sink.
I grab the towel on the sink, and wet it with warm water,
"Come here," I say as he walks over, he stands in between my legs, this isn't the first time I have had to clean his wounds.

The first time he got into a fight, he didn't want me to find out so he told Maru to clean them. But Maru was too rough causing him to bleed even more, then he asked diana, She was studying and didn't want to deal with it. Then he finally asked me.

I start to clean his face, he winced as I try to clean his wound on his face. As I clean his face but I want to know why he fought his dad.

"You need to stop fighting, you are gonna mess up that pretty face,"I say grazing his cheek
He smiles and looks at the ground, He has the prettiest dimples ever.I look up at him
"Theo?" I say
"Yes?" He says with a soft look in his eye
"Are you okay?" I say
He looks at me, but the look in his eyes is sad, full with hurt.
"Of course," He says trying to convince himself that he is. There isn't anything I can say, i've never gotten into fist fight with my father, but Theo has been there for when I got into verbal arguments with my dad, so i'm going to be there for him.

I pull him into a hug, I can feel him tense then relax, I close my eyes trying to provide comfort for him, Even though, he's strong, I know he is

After a couple of seconds he hugs me back, at first he is cautious but then he lets in. after 5 seconds, I let go and look at him

"I think we should leave, We have school tomorrow anyways," I say
He nods, I get off the sink and we walk out, I see the group waiting for us at the front.
"You two ready?" Mattheo says puffing the smoke out of his mouth.
I nod, I turn to Kai,
"Tell mom and dad I had to leave early," I say
He nods and slaps Theo's shoulder playfully,The car ride back was mostly silent, Well mostly from Theo and I, I can tell he just wants to go back to his room.

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