It's your body, you can love if you want to

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It might have taken awhile but the moment that Buck and Eddie fell for each other, they were destined to be one. So obviously like any good romance, they took years to come to terms that they were both in love with one another. Now that love is so passionate, so intense, and caring neither of them truly understands nor believes they were so lucky to have found each other.

Eddie's catholic upbringing always seems to make him shy away from certain aspects of the relationship. He's been trying to work on a lot of these feelings with Frank. He loves Buck, but for almost a year he shied away from any form of PDA. He was passionate about his love, behind closed doors. Where no one else was able to see or judge him.

Eddie knew he was gay from a young age, but he also knew his family, his church and his entire town would disown him, so really other than gawking at his locker room teammates and the ONE time Hen dragged him to a gay club before he came out: that was his experience. But he knew he loved Buck, his soul knew he loved him.

Buck knew about his catholic guilt and while some things it caused him to do, hurt, he stood by Eddie and tried to help work him through it all. By now Eddie can accept displaces of affection and also give them in public. He accepts and will call himself a gay man, and doesn't feel the need to hide and shame himself when he does want something, more inappropriate.

It's not like they are lacking in their sex life, of course, it took a while for Eddie to be comfortable with everything. But they definitely don't have a deficit there. It's just, that Eddie had heard stories of Buck 1.0. That and he has been finding a lot of interesting things on Reddit and Twitter lately. Text posts, videos, and stories about more risky stuff. Kinky stuff... and well while he knows it's wrong, definitely wrong, the idea of Buck doing some of these things to him. It makes Eddie blush and his heart rate increases.

Though he'd never actually admit these things out loud. No, he'd die with those wants buried deep down. But in his private free time, it didn't stop him from researching these things and daydreaming. Having to fight the urge and his body that wanted this, wanted Buck in more ways than just vanilla sex. Unfortunately for Eddie, he's not the smartest when it comes to technology. So when Buck turned on the laptop downstairs and happened to see a bunch of raunchy search results? Well, first he smirked, letting himself get a small sneak peek into just what his boyfriend Eddie Diaz truly needed. Then he quickly turned off syncing search results and cleared the history. Eddie already thinks HILDY will take over the world, he didn't need to find out about how the computers talk to each other.

Later on that week, Chris went to a sleepover with Denny, Hen, and Karen, maybe at the almost forced suggestion of Buck.... Now he and Eddie were cuddled up together in bed, beginning to make out. Buck wanted to wait until Eddie was more comfortable to start doing a bit more. Eddie was usually very quiet during sex, shy and reserved. He tried being vocal with Shannon, but really it felt fake. The whole marriage was basically fake. Deep down he knew he was gay.. but he slept with Shannon, his best friend and she had Chris.. He found it easier to stay quiet That didn't mean he hated sex with Buck; quite the contrary. The moments Buck and him shared have been the most pleasurable sex he's ever had. He's just terrified of expressing that pleasure and letting himself go. What if he scares Buck away? He can't lose him... so he bites back every moan and tries his best to stay calm and collected.

Buck knows this and tonight he wants Eddie to let go. Let go of that fear and let himself feel and express everything. Buck is quite the opposite of Eddie, he's very vocal and confident. He chalks it up to the fact that he's had more experience, with both women and men in bed. That or the very underlying praise kink that begs him to please everyone in his life, sexually or otherwise. It's not like he's getting turned on when Bobby tells him good job on a call, it's more he needs that compliment and reminder that he's needed, he's wanted. So after the first few times, they had sex and Eddie held back every noise or movement, Buck felt not wanted in the relationship. After maybe the fourth time of this, after they showered, Buck started crying to himself. He hated that he couldn't make Eddie happy. He was obviously not happy and hated Buck.

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