We'd still worship this love.

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The whole thing is going to be about kinks. It'll get more into it, "graphic" if you will.
Now as I'm a 23 year old adult writing this stuff, I feel obligated to warn? Tell? Idk anyways talk about this. If you are a minor, I urge you to not read. And (as I know being the type of kid who didn't listen) if you still do read this. Please... just listen. You have time to get into kink. If you want. Don't try and rush into it because you read a fic or saw something online. It can be dangerous depending on what you fall into.

Small story:

I found a kink site (and porn) at a youngggg age. Like 10-12. I was talking with grown adults, pretending to know anything they were talking about. (I thought edging was like actually rubbing on the edge of something) LMAO. Anyways. All I'm saying is be smart. Don't think that just bc you like a fanfic that you need to fall into the kink community. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. ❤️ that's all. Okay. I'm done being an internet mom, enjoy the smut. I'll be back soon enough to post another part of this series. This is just gonna be fun one shots for me to make because I do enjoy a lot of kinks 🙈😭
Also even though some of these kinks are turn ons and something I enjoy, I'm inexperienced in a lot also; if you have any tips or advice for writing this stuff, or if I get something wrong, please feel free to message or comment!! I love learning.


Buck had been pushing Eddie's buttons all day. From rolling his eyes at him during a call, and snapping at Chim when he asked him for something. The thing that made Eddie finally snap was him getting stuck with Bucks's chores at work while Buck went off to play video games with Hen.

Eddie slammed the fire truck's doors shut, Buck turned around staring at Eddie. Eddie pushed past Buck and muttered something angrily under his breath. Buck immediately felt terrible, and couldn't even focus while playing Mario Kart.

Bucks has always been big on praise, he just craved that little twinge of happiness his heart got. Times when Bobby would compliment his work, times when Hen and Karen would thank him for babysitting.

Buck assumes the need stems from basically being tossed out of the nest like a sick baby bird. Maddie did her best to make sure Buck got the attention he needed. She could only do so much for not being a parent. And so Buck 1.0 was born, off on his own, he fell into a desperate spiral of trying to find self-worth. That self-worth came in the form of sex, he felt joy when he could make his partners feel pleasure. Fell into the party scene for a while in his twenties, which took a lot of that pressure off his shoulders. Even tried smoking weed a few times. That ended terribly making his ADHD meltdowns and anxiety worsen.

Now he's a lot calmer, especially after he and Eddie began dating. Buck laying now in Eddie's lap, still feeling like shit for hurting Eddie's feelings earlier. He chewed on his fingernails feeling tears forming behind his eyes, he didn't deserve Eddie's attention. He was rubbing his hands up Buck's shoulders massaging them. He felt way too selfish. Eddie glanced down and noticed his boyfriend crying to himself, silently.

"Hey, Buck baby what's wrong" Eddie soothed

Buck wiped his tears away, trying to hide the fact he had been crying. "Nothing..."

Eddie knew he was bullshitting.

"Tell me, please?" He asked

"I'm so so sorry" Buck cried out

"For what?!" Eddie asked again, a bit confused.

"I made you mad, earlier."

Now it was Eddie who was feeling like the biggest jerk, Eddie had forgotten all about it, not even twenty minutes after. Telling Buck this, but to no avail, it didn't help. Eddie sat, just cuddling him on the couch. Once his crying subsided Eddie pulled Bucks hands into his.

Buddie one shots Where stories live. Discover now