Chapter 16: More Than Anything

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~💎Surya POV💎~

I have left Bosip and Hikaru a while making my way through all the ground lands to find Bob. If they aren't going to do anything to find him, then someone has to. I just have to see him again badly right now. I understand he thinks that him leaving will not cause any harm, but harm has been caused. I just need to bring him home and have him help us stop Miss Darkel.

~💟Luna POV💟~

It's hard to believe that I had finally found my brother. I've missed him for so long and I just can't believe that he's safe and that I'm finally at my old home with him. But this isn't enough, we all still need to put an end to Darkel's schemes, and find Surya still...I really miss her...

~💎Surya POV💎~

After some time of traveling through all these worlds, I have finally made it to the Lava Lands, where The Flame Kingdom is located. It took so much time to do this, but I'm finally here...and I'm gonna see Bob again, it's time I make my way in the entrance of the Kingdom

~💟Luna POV💟~

After saying hi to some of my old friends again, I decided to go outside to get some air and to get a quick walk around the place. I haven't been here in so long, so I really wanna see more of here. While I walked out of the castle, I noticed someone walking in the kingdom..

~💎Surya POV💎~

I walked into the kingdom, to see a couple of kids out, playing and running around with each other. One of them looked over at me, but then grew a sudden reaction of fear. "Who are you..?" She asked, quietly. "Oh, hey kid. I'm Surya. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just looking for a friend." I reply with. The girl's reaction then swap over to a natural look and nodded. "Who are you looking for?" She asked. This might have been my chance to actually find Bob after a couple months have passed since Bosip left us. All I need to do is find Bob, bring him home, bring Bosip home and things should go back to normal, though I don't think I should be the one who fixes everything since I'm just a side character in this situation.

"His name is Bob. He's my brother's friend. Have you seen him?" The girl though for a moment, but then one of the other kids piped in to say some words. "I've only heard of him, but I've never seen him." He said. "Oh...thanks. Who are you guys even?" I asked. "My name's Tori!" The girl says. "And this is my friend, Desmond!" Desmond waved while chuckling a bit, and I waved back. But a sense hit me as I looked around. I looked towards the castle and...couldn't believe what my eyes were showing me..
"Surya...? Y-You're here..?"

~💟Luna POV💟~

Now I couldn't believe what my eyes were showing me...Surya was here...right in front of me..
"Luna..? You're here too!?" She shouted. I tried getting a word out, but nothing came out of my mouth. Just silence. While I was trying to talk, I didn't realize that Surya had ran over and hugged me, pretty tight. Her voice even sounded like she was sobbing through her words.
"Oh Luna!! I fucking missed you! So much!!"
My eyes widen as I hugged her back, feeling my eyes water. I just found my brother but now...I just found the girl of my dreams..

The Gaur Mission//BnB AU Story//MO!AU Issue 3Where stories live. Discover now