For being respectful.

For answering my call in the middle of the night.

For not passing rude comments on the terrible state you saw me in.

For not embarrassing me in front of your brother by saying truthfully why you were sleeping here.

For just staying by my side the whole night despite the discomfort.

I, however, did not say any of that. I couldn't.

Instead, I shrugged my shoulders as a response.

He nodded, acknowledging my gratitude.

"Theo won't be home today. In case you need anything, you can inform Dylan. I'll make sure to set everything by tomorrow.", he said.

"Okay.", I replied.

"Also, you can call me 'Vincent'. Since I can't address you formally by your surname to avoid suspicion, it would be awkward for only you to address me formally. See you later, Ms. Ba- ... Ren.", he turned away, his tone awkward as he said the last few words.

Without waiting for a reply, he walked away, leaving me stunned.


It felt strangely good hearing it from him.

I walked back to my room in a daze as his words replayed in my mind.

Completing my morning routine, I sat at the windowsill, thinking about yesterday's events, more precisely about his actions.

There was no trace of annoyance or irritation in his countenance when I was going through an ugly panic episode.

Instead, his gray eyes were blank and that blankness helped me calm down faster.

He didn't have to stay by my side the whole time, but he did and yet he didn't make me feel like a burden or that I owe him something.

Even while in the forest, he could have done anything, but he was decent and didn't do anything inappropriate.

He had always been decent, respectful, considerate and surprisingly kind.

As I was lost in my thoughts, staring out of the window, my sight fell on Mr. Marino who was talking to the guards in front of the mansion.

With his posture erect and towering, his face unwaveringly stoic, I could feel his authority just by looking at him and the way the other guards stood straight and attentive, it was even more evident.

After a few moments, he dismissed the guards and got into the car waiting for him and soon, the car drove towards the gates and all the while my gaze followed him.


A sudden knock at the door startled me.

"Come in.", I permitted calmly.

Opening the door, Sofia walked in and placed a plate of breakfast on the coffee table in front of the couch.

Smiling and greeting me politely, she walked away, closing the door.

I walked to the couch to have my breakfast and as I was eating, I wondered how busy must Mr. Marino be to be working even on the weekend.

I do that too, but this early in the morning?

Maybe he -


My eyes widened at a realization.

No way.

I have been thinking only about him all this time!

Three hours!

MELTING A FROZEN HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now