The Bridge

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My heart goes out to those suffering due to war.


The bridge

"Papa? Where are you going?"

Annie was a 11-year-old girl with a Russian dad and a Ukrainian mom living in Ukraine. She loves reading and baking cookies with her mom. But what she liked even more was playing video games with her dad, but she didn't know this time might be her very last time playing with her dad.

"Come дочка! Let us slay this mighty beast!"

Annie looked at her dad, a tall and young man with straight brown hair, who's eyes shone with life.

Kaboom! The door burst open, a group of SPU agents stormed in and grabbed the father. They dragged him to his feet and took him away. The mother was on her knees wailing, begging them to let him stay. Little Annie was too shocked to speak.

The next few days were a blur, mother hardly got out of bed. The women's blond hair, was a bird's nest, her elegant face was puffy and red.

"Mummy, have you been crying? Please don't cry!"

"Yes, your father...He doesn't deserve this!"

Annie left her mum to cry, knowing it was the best option.


Annie ran along the bridge her father once took her. She looked at the sunset slowly drooping below the horizon, with the wind brushing against her cheeks. Her latte-colored hair flowing behind her, tears gushed down her face as she ran. She ran even though she was tired, she ran even though she was lost, she ran like she never ran before, she ran as though life ended if she stopped. She ran until she could run no more.

She couldn't believe her eyes. The once lively village was now in ruins. Smoke filled with acidic ash filled the air, causing her to choke. The sight was terrible, the houses were crumbled, debris filled every corner of the street. Trees were inflamed. She walked into a random house, rubble was scattered across the floor, furniture lopsided.

What good has the war done? Annie fell to the ground sobbing. She couldn't hold it much longer. Her father was gone, her friends were gone, her life was gone. What did she have to lose?

A group of men appeared in the hallway, Annie thought they were just soldiers scavenging for people. They were indeed doing that, just on the other team. They had a badge saying: Военно-морской флот СССР.

"You are coming with us." One of the men said.


A man took off Annie's blindfold. She was thrown in a damp and eerie room, a light shone onto her face.

"What do you want from me?" Annie squeaked.

A tall muscular man with a mask on his face paced towards Annie. He took out a rope made of hemp and tried to tie Annie up. But Annie was very agile. She screamed and rolled on the floor. She thrusted her hands in the air, and with swift movement, was able to get on her feet. She punched the man with all her might, but to no avail. She grabbed the mask, pulling it off. The face scared her.

"Papa? What are you doing here, lets escape!"

"I am no father, you crazy child!"

The moment them words were said, the bridge above ground shook violently, just like Annie feelings.

Annie stared at her father with genuine shock in her eyes. The eyes that were once full of life was now hollow, his silky brown hair lined with grey. Annie froze, Not even bothering the men trying to tie her up.

"Father, don't try to act like you don't know me." Annie cried.

The father was trying to hold himself together, but you could feel the tears were building up inside him. He hanged his head low.

"I'm sorry." he sobbed.

"What are you sorry for?"

The father raised his gun with shaking hands.

"Oh, so you are going to kill me? Then do it. I'm not scared of death, what do I have to lose!" Annie howled, but couldn't hold in the tears that were streaming down her cheeks.

The bridge was at a near collapse. People were sprinting away, some yelling their heads off.

Annie stared at her father in the eyes, daring him to pull the trigger. She wasn't afraid, as she did not care for life and death.

"Fuck, just pull the trigger you worthless piece of shit!" Another men yelled.

"I'm sorry" The father whispered.

BANG! Annie full to the ground, blood pooled around her.

The bridge swayed, and toppled over, just as Annie's life ended.

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