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She was an extraordinary beautiful young woman, but she fell for a cheat.

Valentine was always loved by her parents, and no matter where she went, people always commented about how she looked like a porcelain doll. Who wouldn't? With her skin like glass, big hazelnut eyes, cherry lips, she was basically the prettiest girl!

Everything was awesome, until her marriage.

When she was only 20, she married a multimillionaire. She moved to Shang-Hai and gave birth to her child. She lived full time in their mansion, ordering maids to do this and that. She thought this was her destiny, a life where everything was free.

One night, her husband came back with a frown on his forehead.

"Babe, can I-"

"Can you stop thinking about what you want!"

Bam! Her husband slapped her hard, then pushed her to the ground with a thump before storming off. Valentine froze. No one has ever treated her like this.

Things started to go downhill fast. Her husband rarely came home before 2am, and whenever their child would cry, he would yell and abuse Valentine. But one night, he took it too far. Their child was having a break down, and Valentine was upstairs. The man couldn't take it any longer, he went up-stairs and tackled Valentine. He pushed her onto the floor and started to viciously punch her. She would cry and scream and beg, but her husband didn't listen.

During the pandemic in Shanghai, without a word, Valentine's husband left the city. Valentine, who never had to do any chores, now had to take care of herself, her child, and some of her family members whilst having Covid.

Even so, she never thought about getting a divorce. She believed that in the world she lived in, her husband was a caring man and thought of her every second. Once she got sent a photo of her husband in a bar with many women, she just persuaded herself that he was hosting a conference.

With life like this, she went a bit insane. At midnight, you could hear her laughing like a happy little child.

"Oh, ha-ha! We will be together forever senpai! Oh senpai! Whoever gets in the way will die!" But was this "senpai" really her husband?

You could see her in her flowy black dress, swaying about in the street! She thought her outfit was made for a funeral, so she did what everyone would have done, she killed her own daughter! She went to her daughter's room in the night, and took out a dagger, and stabbed it in her chest. She licked the icy cold knife that was drooping with blood.

"Darling, we are so happy aren't we" Valentine would ask, looking into the eyes of a puppet she made. She would pose in front of a mirror for hours, just to impress "senpai".

On a dark and eerie night, she jumped into the ocean, pretending she was a mermaid.  

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