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(Inspired by a scene I saw on YT, also wrote this a year ago)

A group of friends and I are going camping! Whilst we were strolling through the woods, we came across a little cabin that looked perfect for us. We went in.

There was a fireplace with a small pot outside, inside there was a red sofa and a pink carpet. We put down 6 sleeping bags and headed back outside. We split up to collect some firewood for the fire. After making the fire, we sat down in a big circle and waited for the food to cook.

As we ate, we started telling funny stories. Then Valerie started to say some disturbing stories about people dying in horrific ways in the woods. We decided that that was enough, and we should all head bed. But that when the nightmare began.

Caw! A crow flew above.

I woke up to see blood splattered across the floor. I stumbled to my feet, following the blood trail outside. The sight almost caused me to faint. Outside, was the corpse of Merlin. Her face was paler than snow, her clothes were bedraggled and soaked in blood. She had a huge cut on the front of her chest. Her hair was covering her eyes, but you could tell they were wide open. She laid there motionlessly, like a doll nobody wanted.

The day went past quietly, no one dared to speak too much. And during

night fall, nobody wanted to sleep. Everyone was scared with a tense felling in the air, like you could cut it with a knife, but a misty layer drifted in to the cabin, and with a thud, everyone fell asleep.

Caw! Three crows flew above.

I woke to Dan furiously shaking me.

"Thank god you are alive!" He shouted.

I looked around to see Valerie trying to shake the other two to wake up, but to no avail. Apparently, they overdosed on sleeping pills. Now, there was only 3 of us left! I tried calling the police, but my phone just exploded! How could this be? I paced back and forth, trying to think of who or what is causing this! I can't leave, cause I'm on my own, I would be even more vulnerable. That night was dark and stormy.

Caw! Four crows flew above.

With a miracle, I woke up. I looked around, seeing no one.

"Valerie? Dan!"

"Jake passed, but you have to see this!" I heard Valerie yell.

I got up, went outside, looking for any clues that could help. I went down into a dark eerie basement.

"You know why, you shouldn't go into a dark enclosed basement?" Valerie asked.

"Be-because there is a murder?" I stuttered.

"How do you know I'm not the killer?"

"Cause, I am." I walked out of the basement before she could realize.

That night, I didn't sleep, I tried to stare at Valerie with a psychopathic look, but I knew I failed. The mist came and I drifted off to fell asleep.

Caw! A murder of crows flew above.      


Hey, I wanted to tell you guys that most of these bad quality writings were from years ago, and if you want some good quality ones go read my actual book :)

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