Chapter 16 Epilogue

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Two months ago. The day before school started...

"I slept, but my heart was awake. Listen! My beloved is knocking. 'Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one; for my head is wet with dew, my locks with the drops of the night.'"

"What are you reading, Thea?" Amber asked, coming into my room with a yawn.

"The Song of Solomon. It's really romantic," I said with a content smile.

"Ugh, are you gonna experience romance only by reading about it? Don't you wanna get out there and meet a guy for real?" She asked scornfully.

"Amber, go to bed if you're going to lecture me on my love life," I said gouchily. Tomorrow was the first day of my junior year and I wanted to satisfy myself with some sweet bible romance before bed. Amber had to come and spoil it with reality.

"What love life? You have no love life!" She said loudly.

"Amber! Go to bed before I come up there!" Mom shouted from downstairs. I smirked.

"Fine. I'm going. Your life is no fun anyway," she said, withdrawing and shuting the door behind her. I rolled my eyes. That girl knew way too much.

I returned to my bible but found my eyes closing. Just one more verse...

"I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the wild does: do not stir up or awaken love until it is ready!" Beautiful. But not for me, in reality. After all, when would I ever bloom in love?

To be continued...


THE END! Nah, y'all, I'm just kidding😝😆. Of course there's a flippin' hot sequel!🥵🔥❤💋 And I can promise it'll be steamy, sultry, scandalous and heartbreaking. After all, that's what it takes to get to happily ever after.😌😙🥰 See you there!



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