Chapter 8 Knights of the Golden Table

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It happened on Friday the thirteenth. Yes, it had to be. I could almost hear the creepy music in my head. I walked into school that morning and instinctively knew something bad was going to happen. I just didn't know what.

But before that, something unbelievable came my way.

Jules and I were at our lockers getting our books out for the first period. When I opened my locker, the first thing I saw was a pale gold envelope.

"Weird, it looks like a letter," I said to Jules with a frown.

"Open it, quick, maybe it's a love letter!" She said excitedly over my shoulder, pumping my arm up and down. I opened it—it was of high quality paper, the kind you'd find at expensive stationary stores. A strong scent hit me when I took out the letter—a familiar scent. A masculine cologne, I think.

The letter was a formal invitation from the golden boys! It was decorated with a golden ribbon and the letters were embossed in golden ink. It looked more like a wedding invitation.

"OMG! Read what it says!" Jules squealed in shrill excitement.

"To Dorathea Gardener. You are formally invited to sit with us at lunch at the golden table. We would be delighted to have you and look forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, Pierce, Matteo and Shane." I could have snorted in disbelief. Those boys are unbelievable!

"Seriously? They wasted perfectly good stationary for this?!" I said with a scoff.

"Oh wow! This is freaking amazebombs!" Jules squealed in my ears. "The golden boys have never invited anyone to sit with them! What an honor! This is—wow!"

"Jules! Snap out of it!" I said sternly. "This is ridiculous! This is a joke!" And I think I knew which troublesome golden boy was behind it.

"Are you gonna go?" Jules asked.

"As if! I've been trying to avoid them all week! This—" I indicated to the letter, "is preposterous!" I flung the letter inside my locker and shut it with a slam. I realized Pierce must have broken into my locker to put the letter in there—oooh, that boy really was trouble!

"You know, sometimes I think you're weird with—" Jules began, but stopped when her phone buzzed. She immediately pulled it out. I looked around and something odd happened—every phone in the hallway beeped, indicating a notification. Curious, I asked Jules what it's all about.

"The golden boys posted a new picture on Instagram! Let's check it out," she said. Ah, that explains why everyone else but I got it. I don't follow them. Wait a sec...

"Jules! You follow the golden boys?!" I chided her in disapproval.

"They post some really good stuff once in a while!" Jules replied, red-faced. Pft, sure they do. I rolled my eyes and looked around. Everyone I saw had their phones out, earnestly checking the picture. It was only when gasps and exclamations began to rise from each student did I suspect something was wrong. Very wrong.

"Um, Jules? What's going on?" I asked wanly. Suddenly, the eyes of every female started turning to me—vindictive, accusatory eyes. The entire hallway was staring at me.

"Oh, drop dead!" Jules said, gaping at her phone. I peeked over her shoulder to see the picture and gasped, the blood draining from my face. It was a picture of me and the golden boys posing happily at the amusement park!

"No way. NO WAY." I began hyperventilating, backing against my locker in horror. This has to be a nightmare! Everyone in school saw that picture and now knows I went out with the golden boys?! CRAP!

"Karen's gonna murder me if she finds out!" I cried.

"Forget her, what about the golden boys' fan club?" Jules said, looking as horrified as me. I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from everyone. I had to hide!

Late Bloomerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें