Chapter 11 The BIG Question

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October arrived. Second month of the semester. The season of homecoming and parties. Lots and lots of parties. It was also football season and a couple of matches came and went—although Matteo, the school's star player, had to sit them out because of his arm. I still felt bad about that.

I tried to help him out the best I could as much as possible by making notes in the classes we had together since he couldn't write (he was left-handed there too). I found him during our first break one day and handed them to him.

"Thea, you made notes for me?" He asked as he read them in surprise.

"I thought it might help..." I said timidly. "Since you can't write yet..."

"Thank you. It means a lot to me," he said, flashing that disarming smile of his. On cue, I felt tingly inside. Every time we met since our second kiss...

"Thea, Thea, Thea, you're not going to believe it!" Jules came running to me, squealing in excitement. "I've been selected to be the homecoming director! EEEK!"

"That's great, Jules!" I said, turning to her with a smile.

"Karen almost got the role but I volunteered half a second before her and Miss Mortimer picked me! Yay!" Jules squealed, unable to control her excitement.

"I'll catch you later, Thea," Matteo said with a wave and walked off. Jules stared after him, gawked at me and spoke excitedly.

"OMG! We can totally double date now! You and Matteo, Greg and me! This homecoming is gonna be so great! Not to mention me getting the opportunity to select the theme—"

"Whoa, slow down, Jules! Matteo hasn't asked me out yet! And we're not dating..." I said, looking shocked that she thought Matteo and I were dating.

"Oh come on, it's obvious he's into you! You're the only girl he shows any interest in! It's just a matter of time—Oh! I almost forgot. I'm holding an afterschool meeting in the auditorium to discuss homecoming plans. Be there! I totally need your input," Jules rattled off at high speed, switching topics midway.

"I will, and you need to lay off the sugar for a while, Jules," I said seriously, patting her arm.

"So I had a jelly doughnut for breakfast... I'm fine! Anyway, see you at three!" She squeaked and skipped off. I laughed. Jules was a hyperactive ball of energy today. What sugar can do to one's brain...

I had to meet up with Pierce later for our assignment—with everything that happened, I almost forgot it was due soon.

"Eyes over here, babycakes," Pierce said, waving his hand in front of my face when my attention wandered off and I ended up staring blank-faced at the football field. "You seem distracted today."

"Sorry. Just thinking about homecoming," I replied sheepishly. We were seated under the oak tree on the grounds again—it had become our regular place to hang out. No wait, I meant meet up for school work.

"You got a date?" Pierce asked, perking up with interest. I stared at him, exhaling a long breath.

"No..." I could predict what he would say next.

"Then why don't you go with me?" He asked, lacing his hands behind his head. There it is. I didn't answer him—didn't stop him from persisting, though. "You are planning on showing up, right?"

"I—I haven't decided yet," I answered evasively. Pierce made a clicking sound in his mouth.

"Clock's tickin', babycakes. The offer's on the table till Homecoming." Please, there'd be no shortage of girls who'd sell their kidneys if it meant they'd get a spot on Pierce's arm. Matteo might draw girls to him without trying but Pierce was a ladies' man through and through.

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