The Soul of Music

Start from the beginning

With the man playing his song, the very notes from the guitar began to come to life in a literal sense, projecting off of the guitar strings and flying around the classroom color-coded depending on which note he hit. The spectacle was enough to completely choke the attention of the students and the song wasn't too bad either; it left a lot of the students wonder just where it was from but Danny knew that song anywhere. "Stand on your own, by the Sudden Drifters. I loved this one as a kid."

After a bit of playing, the man would end the song by holding a note for a period of time and letting it play out before finally stopping and opening his eyes to the class. He spoke with conviction and freedom, like a man who was at peace with himself.

"Class, now that i have your attention, I am Mr. Thaddeus."  

The class started to clap and cheer at the display of skill and his abilities, all except for the girl that was sitting next to Danny. She seemed to just keep her hands in her pockets and watch. 

Getting down from the desk, Mr. Thaddeus put the guitar down onto it gently before taking a bow. The music teacher seemed to be wearing rather basic attire, with a white dress shirt and tie, along with some brown pants and dress shoes.

"Thank you, thank you; you guys are making me feel like I'm on stage again." 

Chuckling to himself, Mr. Thaddeus clapped his hands together and looked around the room to get a glance at everyone's face. Some faces he saw were students he had last year but then there was Danny, who he took notice of but didn't say anything to at first. After getting a good look at everyone, Mr. Thaddeus spoke up to the entire class.

"Alright, so here's how I roll. The first few days are always chill. I feel the best way to get used to each other is to speak to one another, so for today, you guys can have at it. Conversate, catch up with each other, do whatever, and next time I see y'all, we'll be ripe and ready to feel the soul of music."

Danny couldn't help but smile; he was excited for this class ever since he found out Mr. Thaddeus was teaching at the school. The person sitting next to him didn't seem to share the same enthusiasm, which he didn't exactly pay all that much attention to.

Now that the class was talking and conversing, Mr. Thaddeus made his way over to where Danny was sitting and held out his fist in front of him.

"Ahh shit, is that Nash' boy who finally stepped foot in my classroom? How's ya pops doing?"

Looking up at the music teacher, Danny raised his fist and bumped fists with Mr. Thaddeus. He let out a sigh at the mention of his father; it seemed to be a bit of a rough spot for him.

"He hasn't been doing any better, that's for sure."

Mr. Thaddeus seemed to be a bit disheartened hearing that being the case with Danny's dad. He sat down next to Danny, not in a chair but on the floor, which made him appear a lot smaller than he was since the students were sitting in chairs.

"Damn I'm sorry to hear that; he told me you got your powers over the summer, so whatcha get?"

Now that the topic had changed, Danny was a bit happier not talking about his dad. It wasn't that he didn't like him, but talking about what's going on with him always brought some pain to his heart.

"Velocity control: I can control my own velocity and the velocity of things I touch."

Looking at Danny with an extremely confused look on his face, Mr. Thaddeus questioned if that was really his ability. To him, that sounded a lot stronger than what someone his age would normally get if they awakened their powers.

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