"Please. I wasn't the one confessing my feelings. He was, and of course, it shouldn't be a shock to you that he is attracted to me. I am gorgeous." Lara cupped her face, pouting her lips.

Shane hiccuped. "Of course, I won't be once I have him discharged from his employ."

"You won't," Lara hissed through gritted teeth.

"Is that a dare?"

"No." Lara shook her head, looking at him with a plea in her eyes. "He's still a friend. I can't have you do that to him."

He looked away from her and turned.

"Please, Shane."

"We will discuss this after work. I have a call to make," he said over his shoulders, walking away.

Lara bit down on her lips and heaved a sigh. She felt depleted of energy. She staggered as a wave of vertigo hit her, almost making her lose her footing on the floor.

She walked, biting down on the winces that escaped her throat as she walked towards the bathroom.

She turned on the tap as quickly as she got in and splashed water on her face. She bent over the tub as she turned the water off, trying as hard as she could to bite down on the pain that swarmed in her belly.
It hurts a lot. She tightened her hold on her stomach and sucked in breath harshly through her teeth as she stood straight, staring at her reflection in the mirror.

She should get something to eat before she gets back to work.

She doubted she would be able to do any work if she failed to eat. She had grown weary of the hunger and emotions she held within her.

She raked her fingers through her hair and heaved a sigh, her eyelids fluttering to a brief close.

"Abortion pangs?"

She jumped, her eyes flashing open and locking with Claire's gaze in the mirror at the sound of her voice.
She pinched her nose in irritation at the question, turning to face her. "What?"

"I would expect nothing less from the likes of you." Claire stepped inch by inch closer as she seethed the words through her teeth. "Gold diggers. Filthy wenches..."

"Cut to the point, will you? I don't need you listing out your attributes to me," Lara cut in.

Claire smiled crookedly. "You," She pointed a finger at her. "Are sleeping with Shane."

Lara didn't bat an eye. She stared at her, unshaken by her words whatsoever.

Claire scoffed. "You are not even denying it."

"Why should I?" Lara asked drily.

Claire angled her chin haughtily, her lips parting in surprise at Lara's audacity. A smile tipped the corners of her lips in amusement. "Now you think you are on top of the world because you are fucking, bitch-assing the CEO." She tsked under her breath, rolling her eyes.

"For your information, Claire, Shane and I are official," Lara hissed.

Claire snickered. "Official. Indeed. Trust me. He's only having as much fun as he gets from bitches like you. When he's done with you, you won't be any different from the others."

"Stop being a hater, Claire. I'm not responsible for your misery," Lara quipped in return.

"What misery, bitch?" She sneered in her face.

Lara rolled her tongue in her mouth and sucked in her lip ring to calm her temper. "Call me that one more time, Claire, and you will regret ever uttering a single word today."

The Playboy's Crush By Deborah A. OlaleyeWhere stories live. Discover now