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The rest of their stay in Paris was mapped out with occasional meetings to discuss the terms of agreement, negotiate the proposals made, and finalize the contract with Mr. Dupont and his company.

Shane thanked and shook hands with Mr. Dupont after they had both appended their signatures to the documents drafted to secure their deal, promising to keep in touch with each other on the latest updates.

"I believe you've enjoyed your stay so far in Paris, Miss Dunlop," Mr. Dupont inquired as he shook hands with Lara, prolonging the handshake with a charming smile on his face.

"It has been very wonderful."

"Perhaps you might love to visit again. We will be very delighted to receive you on a guided tour of the city."

"Oh!" Lara smiled, politely pulling her hand out of the prolonged handshake. "That's generous of you, Mr. Dupont. Thank you."

"You are always welcome." He flashed another smile at her with a twinkle in his eyes.

"They are good at their business approach, but their ambassador is a huge letdown," Shane fumed as he got into the car.

That would be their final meeting, and Lara was glad it had been a success. Also, it would be the last time she had to endure Mr. Dupont's lascivious gaze.

"It's all over now." Lara heaved a relieved sigh, leaning back against the car seat.

They would be taking a direct flight back to Miami from there, and she wanted nothing more than to shut her eyes and revel in the reverie of not being under some man's scrutiny.

"I'm really sorry and pissed you had to endure that." Shane hissed through his teeth.

"Why should you have to apologize? He's the one at fault for being indiscreet about his desires."

Shane wasn't annoyed with Mr. Dupont overtly expressing his appreciation of her beauty. Of course, he also had a hard time conducting himself professionally around her. He had a flashback to the moment on the plane.

He hadn't been thinking when he pulled her to himself and kissed her as roughly as he did.

But he was jealous. He would have no other man leering at his woman.

Yes, Lara was his. He was making her his, unfailingly.

"You are right. How about we grab a drink sometime to celebrate the success of our collaboration?"

Lara tsked. "Collaboration? You did virtually all the work. All I did was put in an appearance."

"The finalizing of the contract was rapidly done thanks as well to your presence. Mr. Dupont looked really taken with you and was more than eager to sign off on the collaboration. He was impressed by what he saw.

As he said, you wear the product well. Didn't he make an offer for a guided tour around Paris? Now, that's profound. Good job in there, Lara."

"I'm honored, Shane." She smiled at him. "Thanks."

Their flight back to Miami was interesting. They shared their personal experiences and exchanged banter about their pasts.

Their conversation was lively and animated; they both lost track of time and were engrossed in their chats. They were both surprised that the plane would be touching down in Miami, as their pilot announced it over the radio.

Lara looked at her watch and marveled. "Woah!"

She couldn't believe she had chatted seamlessly over that extended number of hours with Shane. She had warmed up to him and loved every tidbit of their conversations.

The Playboy's Crush By Deborah A. OlaleyeWhere stories live. Discover now