let me help you

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"I'll be back in just a second," Chan said before he kissed your head softly and hurried up the steps.

You sat on the sofa, looking between the cast on your broken hand and your shoes on the floor.

You and Chan have plans to hang out with the boys today and you're looking forward to it.

You're almost ready to go, the only thing left to do before heading out for the day is to put your shoes on, and with a broken hand, that's not very easy to do.

Looking over to the staircase, you didn't hear or see your boyfriend coming down just yet.

He's been helping you with everything lately since you broke your hand a few days ago, knowing that even the simplest of things have become a huge challenge to do.

You can't use your phone very well, you can't cook, you can't get dressed on your own, and even bathing is impossible to do.

He hasn't complained about anything you've asked him to help you with.

He's so selfless and so kind and as grateful as you are for him and his help, you do feel bad that he has to do practically everything for you right now.

You wondered if you could do this one thing by yourself.

Getting your foot in the shoe was pretty easy... tying the laces was the complete opposite.

Once you had it on, you brought your foot up and placed it over your thigh before you tried to tie the laces.

"Come on, how hard can this be?" You grumbled to yourself as you tried your hardest to tie it.

But you just couldn't do it.

You groaned in frustration just as Chan called out for you.

"Alright, Y/N, I'm back!" He said and then sent you a bright smile as he walked to you.

But his smile faded and his eyebrows furrowed upon seeing you looking so frustrated.

"What's the matter?"

"I hate this. I can't do anything on my own."

He sat down beside you and gently placed his hand on your shoulder before rubbing it comfortingly.

"Don't get upset at yourself, baby. Your hand is broken. Unfortunately, you can't do much of anything on your own right now."

You sighed before looking at him, your eyes meeting his soft ones.

"Yeah, but you've been doing everything for me since it happened. I don't want to annoy you."

"You could never annoy me." He assured as he cupped your cheek. "I don't mind helping you."

"Are you sure, baby? Surely, it must get tiring."

"Not in the slightest." He said before kissing your forehead. "It's not forever and your hand will be fine in no time. Until then, let your boyfriend take care of you, hm? Let me wait on you hand and foot." He joked and you shook your head with a smile.

"Alright." You sighed. "Then can you help me with my shoes?"

"Happily." He replied before grabbing your other shoe.

You put your feet on his lap and he made sure they were on your feet well before tying the laces and giving you a loving kiss on your lips.

"Thanks, handsome."

"Anytime, my love." He said before hugging you gently. "Are you ready to see the boys?"

"Yeah." You excitedly said and he put his hand on the small of your back before following you out the door, more than happy to continue to take care of you until your hand was healed.

Bang Chan ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora