you're drunk and don't recognize him (requested)

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Chan closed the car door before making his way inside the club.

The music was loud as it blasted through the speakers and he felt a little out of place as he was inside with a pair of black sweatpants and a black t-shirt on.

A lot of eyes fell on him but he didn't pay attention to anyone other than you.

He spotted you across the club.

Your friends were holding onto you to keep you standing up and you seemed to find everything funny.

He quickly walked to you and breathed out a sigh of relief as your eyes met his.

"Chan, thank you so much for coming." One of your friends spoke.

Despite the fact that he had a long day of writing with the boys and being in the studio and he wanted nothing more than to sleep, when he got that phone call from your friend asking if he could come and get you, he was on his feet instantly and grabbing the keys to the car.

Sleep wasn't as important as you were.

Your friends told him that you were incredibly intoxicated and he could tell that they weren't lying.

You were so drunk that standing on your own two feet was a challenge.

"Of course. Thank you for calling me. I appreciate it." He said before giving you all of his attention. "You okay?"

Your eyes seemed to light up as he started to speak to you.

"Oh, wow," You said. "You're really handsome."

Chan shook his head with a smile.

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?" You slurred to one of your friends and they couldn't help but giggle as Chan held back a smile.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he does, babe."

"Oh, crap." You said in disappointment.

"Baby, you're my girlfriend." He said as he reached out, taking your hand into his.

"Really?" You asked.

"Really. We've been together for a while now."

"Wow..." You said as you stared at him in awe. "How'd I get so lucky?"

He laughed as you stumbled into his arms.

"You're really hot." You said.

"And you're really drunk." He spoke. "Let's get you home."

Your heart nearly burst from your chest as his eyes met yours and he placed his hand on the small of your back.

"Chan," You said softly as you began to recognize him, his touch bringing you out of your drunkenness a little.

"Hi," He smiled.

"You look so handsome." You spoke. "How hot is my boyfriend?" You slurred to your friends and other onlookers.

"Come on." He chuckled before helping you out to the car, slowly and carefully.

The chilly air hit your shoulders as you stepped out of the club and as soon as you were in the car, Chan was grabbing his hoodie from the backseat to place over you.

"You're so amazing." You smiled drunkenly as you held his hand.

"You're amazing."

"I don't feel so amazing." You said with a little sigh. "I might end up getting sick."

He wasn't surprised at all to hear that considering how drunk you were.

But he didn't want you to get sick in the car just because he knew you'd be embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"That's alright, my love. I'm going to get you home and into bed." He promised before kissing your head and buckling you up.

He closed the car door before getting into the driver's seat and starting the car again.

"I love you." You slurred as you put your head back. "I'm going to sleep."

He laughed and shook his head as he started to drive home.

"I love you too." He said happily. "But I am so teasing you about this tomorrow." He promised, swearing that he would, too.

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