he pretends to be your boyfriend to protect you (requested)

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The music and voices in the club were loud as you sat at the bar.

You were all dressed up as you planned to meet your friends here tonight to let loose and have some fun.

But they backed out for different reasons, some too tired from work or just not feeling like going out tonight at the last second.

You tried to be understanding but you were a little disappointed because you had been looking forward to spending time with them and having fun.

You know you could head home but you figured you'd stay to have a couple of drinks before Ubering back home in a while.

"Thank you." You told the bartender as he placed another drink in front of you.

You heard someone sigh as they sat down beside you and you looked at them from the corner of your eye.

It was a man who looked to be older, at least in his forties.

You could see him staring at you with a smirk as he ordered a drink which just so happened to be the same one you were drinking.

You just tried to mind your own business and, despite not even being tipsy, you told yourself you'd leave after this drink because you were becoming uncomfortable with the way this guy was staring at you.

"Hello there." He said. "What's your name, darling?"

"Don't call me that." You said as you continued to sip on your drink.

"Oh, come on. There's no need to be that way. I'm just being friendly."

You rolled your eyes.

"I'm Aaron."

"I didn't ask." You replied. "And I'm not telling you my name."

He scoffed as you finished your drink and put some money down before getting up.

But he grabbed your wrist and his grip was quite tight.

You could feel the anger coming from him and the look in his eyes scared you.

"Let go of me." You spoke as you clenched your jaw. "Seriously I'm not interested. So let me go."

You tried to pull away but he only tightened his grip on you.

His eyes looked dark and the smile that pulled at his lips was one of wickedness.

"No, you're not getting away that easy." He said as he stood up. "You're coming with me, darling."

"What's going on over here?" You heard another guy say.

You turned your head to look at who it was and as he stepped closer to you, you felt a sense of relief.

He leaned in to whisper into your ear.

"It's okay, just go along with what I say."

You furrowed your eyebrows, wondering where he was going with this.

"You better get your hands off my girlfriend right now."

"Girlfriend?" The other guy asked. "Yeah right."

"I'm serious. You better let her go or you're going to regret it." He replied, gently placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Or what?"

He stepped in front of you, now standing between you and the obnoxious and terrifying guy who had made you so uncomfortable.

He still had a very tight grip on your wrist but, somehow, it got even tighter and even more painful.

"You don't want to find out. Now let her go and get out of here or else. I'm dead serious."

"Whatever." The guy spoke as he let your wrist go, making you let out a breath of relief.

He stormed out as the friendly guy gently grabbed your wrist.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'll be alright. I'm just shaken up." You said as he gently let your wrist go. "Thank you for doing that. He wouldn't let me go."

"It's no problem at all. I couldn't just stand back and watch that happen. Someone had to intervene."

You smiled a little as his eyes lit up a little.

"I can leave you alone if you want. I understand after what you just went through. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable like that creep did."

"No, it's fine." You assured. "I'm Y/N."

"I'm Chan. It's nice to meet you." He said as a bright smile pulled at his lips. "So what are you doing here tonight?"

"My friends backed out on me but we were supposed to just come out and have some fun. It's been a long week. But they all decided not to come, all of them giving me different reasons."

"Oh." He said. "Well, I mean, if you want to get out of here, we could go for some food or something."

He seemed a little nervous as he asked you but when you smiled at him, he seemed to calm down a little.

"I'd like that."

"Okay." He said and you grabbed your things before walking out of the club and to the diner down the street.

You were thankful that he had helped you when you needed it most.

And, if you're being honest, you're crushing on him a little already, unaware that he felt the same way about you.

You no longer were in any hurry to get home; you just wanted to get to know Chan more.

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