planning a romantic night with Chan goes wrong (requested)

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You took a deep breath as you stared at yourself in the mirror.

Tonight, you're doing something for Chan that you've never done before, and you have the feeling that he's going to love it.

A lot of your skin is exposed by the blue lingerie on your body.

You got it in blue since it's his favorite color and though this is your first time wearing something like this for him, you feel confident.

You want to cheer him up and make him feel less stressed after a long and exhausting week in the studio.

Since the boys have tonight and tomorrow off, you figured it'd be a good start to some quality time with your sweet boyfriend.

You heard the front door open and close downstairs and you took one last look in the mirror.

And you couldn't help the way your heart hammered against your chest as you thought about what his reaction would be to seeing you in something so sexy for the first time.

You left the room and started to make your way downstairs.

"Oh, Chan, baby. I have something special to show you!" You smiled as you hurried down the rest of the steps.

But the eyes you were met with weren't your boyfriends.

It was the other seven members.

They were all in the living room while Chan was in the kitchen grabbing something to drink.

"Whoa!" Seungmin said before covering his eyes.

"What's going on?" Chan asked as he appeared in the room.

Your fearful eyes met his and you watched his jaw drop in shock.

But it wasn't due to him being in awe of how irresistible you looked or how he was seeing you in something so vulnerable for the first time.

It was him being in shock due to his friends seeing you in lingerie.

"You didn't say the boys would be coming over!"

"I forgot to tell you," Chan said. "I didn't know you'd be wearing this."

"I'm so humiliated." You said as you covered your body.

But it didn't do any good; you were still very much exposed and the boys had seen everything already.

"Would it make you feel better if we said you look good?" Changbin asked.

"Changbin, not the time!" Hyunjin said, smacking him with a pillow.

You stared at Chan with sad eyes before you hurried up the stairs and slammed the door behind you.

"Alright, see you guys in practice the day after tomorrow," Chan said as he opened the front door.

The boys all chuckled but left, giving you and Chan some privacy.

He locked the door after the cars pulled out of the driveway and then he went upstairs.

"Baby?" He said as he opened the bedroom door.

You were sitting on the bed with your head hung.

"Hey," He whispered as he sat down beside you.

"Chan, I'm so embarrassed. I never wanted the boys to see me that way. I only wanted you to see me like this."

"I know. I understand that it was unexpected and I should've told you but it just slipped my mind."

You lifted your head and looked into his soft brown eyes.

"If it makes you feel better, the boys aren't judging you. They wouldn't do that."

"It doesn't matter. I'm still so humiliated. I tried to do something special for you and then your friends saw me exposed in a way that I only want you to see me."

"I know. But don't beat yourself up. It was just an accident. I can talk with them and make sure they know that you feel bad and I can guarantee they'll say it's no big deal. You're being too hard on yourself."

You shrugged your shoulders.

"If it makes you feel better, you look breathtaking."

You cracked a smile as his eyes wandered and his thumb brushed against your cheek.

"I got it in blue because I know you love the color."

"I do. It looks so good on you." He smiled as he looked into your eyes. "I almost don't want to take it off of you."

You laughed as he pulled you on his lap and wrapped you in his arms.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world. I can't believe how lucky I am."

"Stop." You whined as your cheeks began to heat up.

"I can't. It's the truth, darling. You look so good. You always look good."

He leaned in and stole a few kisses from your lips.

"Let's forget about everything that happened and focus on each other. Okay?"

"I just wanted this night to be romantic and I wanted to do something nice for you to cheer you up."

"You did cheer me up. You always cheer me up, you're gorgeous. And this night can still be so romantic if you just focus on me."

"Okay." You agreed before kissing him again as his hands wandered across your body.

He smirked at you before laying you on the bed on your back.

You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer, so in love with him that words wouldn't ever be enough to express it.

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