Season 1, Episode 12 - Faith

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Authors Note: This episode is suppperrrr long because I got carried away with adding my own little scenes. So buckle up, get a little snacky snack, some tea and I truly do hope you guys enjoy!!😘


Third Person POV

The boys and Y/N pull up to a house in Baby. They open the trunk begin searching for the taser guns. "What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asks Dean. "A hundred thousand volts" He responds. "Damn" Y/N mutters impressed. "Yeah. I want this Rawhead extra frigging crispy" Dean replies handing them each a gun.

"Now remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count" He reminds them, closing the trunk. They then burst down the door to the dark house, using their flashlights and aiming their guns to guide the way. They make it to a basement and start going down the stairs.

They hear some clattering in a nearby closet and flash their lights towards it. Slowly approaching it. "On three" Y/N whispers and they nod. "One, two, three" Dean counts and quickly opens the door, revealing two young children crouching in fear, covering their ears. "Is it still here?" Sam asks them quietly and they nod fearfully.

"Okay. Grab your sisters hand, sweetie. We're gonna get you out of here. Let's go" Y/N instructs the young boy calmly. Dean and Y/N make sure the coast is clear behind them, "Alright, go!" Dean directs them and they head up the stairs infront of Sam but something grabs him from below the stairs and pulls him down causing the children to scream.

"Sam!" Dean and Y/N yell as he falls. Dean goes to the back of the stairs and fires his shot but misses. "Sam, get out of here!" Y/N shouts. "Alright, take this!" He throws his unused gun for Dean. "Go!" He runs behind the kids and leads them out of the house.

Dean and Y/N stay behind the gank the monster. "Come onnn" Dean taunts the creature to get out as they canvas the basement. Splitting up into different directions. Suddenly the creature comes out and backhands Y/N into the wall, causing her to trip and fall onto her back.

She trudges to the water to get her gun. Retrieving it she fires, hitting the monster. But the water that the monster is also standing in, caused the electricity to electrocute both her and the monster. She passed out from the shock to her body. Dean bends the corner to see a passed out Y/N and a dead monster.

"Y/N!" He yells, rushing to her side. "No, no, no! Come on princess, look at me" He pleads, shaking her, praying she's okay. Sam rushes down the stairs out of breath. "Y/N!" He yells, rushing to her side with Dean. "What happened?" Sam asks his brother panicked. "I-I-I- I just left her for a split second-" Dean can't get the words out, tears running down both their faces.


Later, the boys are at a receptionist desk in a nearby hospital. "Gentlemen, I'm sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file" The receptionist says kindly. "Right," A distraught Dean mutters, taking out his wallet and handing her his insurance card.

"Okay, Mr. Burkowitz" The receptionist nods, a bit confused but goes along with it. They turn to the police officers that were waiting for their report. "Look, we can finish this up later" One of officers says to them understandingly. "No, no. It's okay" Sam replies and begins explaining their cover story.

"We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood and um, our windows were rolled down and we heard some screaming when we drove past the house. And we stopped. Ran in" Sam tells them as the other officer takes notes. "You found the kids in the basement?" The officer asks.

"Yeah" Dean replies, nodding. "Well, thank god you did" The officer says and Dean notices the doctor come out from Y/N's room. "Excuse us" He says, pulling Sam away and the officer thanks them for their help. "Hey, doc. Is she-?" Dean asks the doctor shakily. "She's resting" The doctor tells them. "And?" Sam asks.

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