Season 1, Episode 11 - Scarecrow

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Third Person POV

The trio are currently in a motel, luckily enough they got a room with three beds. Sam is woken up to Dean's phone ringing. "Dean" He groans. Y/N's eyes flutter open, also woken up from Deans phone. "You're phone's ringing!" Y/N groans, burying her head in her pillow.

She grabs her extra one and chucks it at Dean, it hits him in the head but only makes him stir in his sleep. Sam reaches across onto the nightstand and grabs it, flipping it open to answer it. "Hello?" He answers groggily. "Sam. Is that you?" John's voice echos through the phone.

Sam shoots up from him bed, all sleep washed off of him. "Dad?" He whispers, Y/N hears this and shoots her from her bed. "Are you hurt?" He asks him and Y/N rushes over to his bed. "I'm fine" John tells him. "Ask him if my dad is okay" She whispers, her heart beating out of her chest in concern. Sam nods, obliging.

"And F/N?" Sam asks and John chuckles lightly, looking over at F/N who's leaning against one of his cars, smoking a cigarette outside of the payphone that John is at. "Tell Y/N he's okay" John tells Sam. Sam gives Y/N a thumbs up and she lets out a breath of relief. "We've been looking for you guys everywhere. We didn't know where you were, if you're okay" Sam says worried.

Y/N looks over at Dean who seems to still be asleep. "Sammy, I'm alright. What about you, Dean and Y/N?" John assures him. "We're fine, Dad. Where are you guys?" Sam asks him and Dean stirs in his sleep. Hearing Sam say 'Dad' draws Dean's attention to the conversation. "Sorry, kiddo. I can't tell you that" John says apologetically.

"What? Why not?" Sam asks confused. "Is that Dad?" Dean asks from his bed, stunned. "Look, I know this is hard for you to understand. You're gonna have to trust me on this" John tells Sam and realization dawns on him. "You're after it, aren't you? The thing that killed mom and Mrs. L/N" Sam asks, his tone low.

"Yeah, it's a demon, Sam" John confirms, telling him. "A demon? You know for sure?" Sam asks, his breathing growing heavier. "A demon? What's he saying?" Y/N nudges him. "I do. Listen, Sammy, I, uh..." John stutters. "I also know what happened to your girlfriend. F/N told me. I'm so sorry" John's tone is filled with sympathy.

Dean quickly puts on a T-shirt. "I would've done anything to protect you from that" John says, his eyes filling with tears. Sam feels a pain in his chest at the mention of Jessica. He clears his throat. "You know where it is?" He asks. "Yeah, I think we're finally closing in on him" John confirms.

"Let us help" Sam says. "You can't. You can't be any part of it" John shakes his head. "Why not?" Sam asks. "Give me the phone" Dean urges Sam to give him the phone. "Listen, Sammy. That's why I'm calling." John sighs. "You, your brother and Y/N, you gotta stop looking for us. Alright? Now I need you to write these names down." John tells him.

"Names? What names, Dad. Wh- Talk to me. Tell me what's going on" Sam pleads. "Look, we don't have time for this. This is bigger than you think. They're everywhere. Even us talking right now, it's not safe" John snaps. "No, alright! No way" Sam snaps back, shaking his head.

"Give me the phone!" Dean exclaims, putting his hand out for Sam to give him the phone. "I've given you an order. Now you stop following us and do your job. You understand me? Now take down these names" John bellows, his tone filled with authority. Sam's jaw clenches in anger and Dean snatches the phone from him.

"Dad, it's me. Where are you?" Dean ask worried. Suddenly his demeanor changes into a serious one. "Yes, sir" He says, gulping. "Uh...yeah, I got a pen. What are the names?" Dean listens, writing down some names. After he does that, Y/N snatches the phone from him.

"Hello? John? Where's my dad?" She asks, her tone shaky. "Hey sweetheart. He's right here, but hear me out okay?" He says gently and she nods firmly. Her heart dropping. "Yes, sir" She says quietly. "You kids need to stop looking for us" He says. "What? No!" She barks and he sighs.

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