[.01] just like daddy

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act i.
[ season 5 episode 1 ]

 [ season 5 episode 1 ]

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   faith. a stupid word, one that charlotte had believed in for far too long. she had once held faith above everything else, she held faith in people.

   in dire times people would grow closer then ever, and conquer what had become the population, that was the dream. yet today, was the day faith died.

   the day charlotte jones slit its throat and buried it so far under ground, far enough to where she'd never be able to find it again.

   faith had only brought her one thing, and that being locked in a train cart. locked away alone for months, and every second that passed, charlotte only thought of more ways to make terminus suffer.

   make them wish they'd never been born, because the dead would have more mercy then she would.

and when gunshots echoed through the area, charlotte was sure terminus was gone. and as fast as those thoughts came they blew away like leaves in the wind during the fall.

the reason she was being kept alive was no mystery to charlotte, she knew it wasn't. the only reason that being was any given second that garett had he put the girl through torture. waiting for her to crack. waiting for her to beg for mercy, and to beg for death.

the sound of the top of the canister opening, and the sun light flooding in filled the girls senses. "rise and shine sunshine" the voice spoke, a spoke canister being dropped inside and the front doors opening.

hands gripped the girls arms, tight enough to leave bruises for days. and harsh enough to make her naw on her bottom lip. "yknow this could all end" garetts voice filled her ears, not soon after her eyes found his face. and her eyes hardened at the man who stood staring at the girl.

the doors had long been closed and now they stood outside the container. when she didn't answer he clicked his tongue, "i'm gonna kill you" charlotte breathed out, her eyes drooping from the drug that she'd inhaled. "thats real cute" garett teased with a sarcastic smile.

"take her in" garett told, the girl being yanked towards the slaughter house.

her body fell limp when the men let go. the ground was cold, and the cement burned the girls bruised cheek. snickers were heard as the door shut and hell began, "been awhile" one man told, holding a bat as people were forced to their knees. "yeah, how longs it been?" charlotte questioned pulling herself up, her hands being tied in front of her now, and her back against the brick wall.

the man quirked a brow at the girl, while the men lined up to be killed all pleaded for help. though the gags didn't do much in their favor to speak. "i mean since i slit your dads throat" charlotte added watching the man visibly grow angry, his eyes filling with rage. "shut up" the man sneered at the girl moving so he was kneeled in front of her.

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