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"if one twin is cut, the other will bleed"

- tw self harm mentions -

The soft glow of Hallie's phone screen lit up the otherwise dark bedroom. Heavy curtains blocked out the afternoon sun, leaving an uncomfortably silent air.

She scrolled mindlessly through social media, pictures blurring together in front of her eyes. Smiling girls taunted her through the screen, sending shoots of anger and sadness through her body.

Two weeks.

That's all it took for people to forget about the fight.

Two weeks and they were back to their normal lives. They didn't care that the school year had started with a full-out brawl. They didn't care that Robby was gone. They didn't care that Miguel was in a fucking coma. Apart from a singular picture Sam had posted on her story of her and Miguel, it was as if the fight hadn't even happened.

But it did happen. That's what Hallie had to keep reminding herself. Every time she woke up groggy from a ten-hour nap, every time she went to text Miguel or Robby, every time she noticed the empty bottles of alcohol that littered her floor. A split second of peace before she remembered.

Her dad was gone. He was probably out drinking, but he could be lying dead in his room for all she knew. They hadn't spoken or even seen each other since the school fight. And Hallie didn't know how to feel. She felt betrayed, lonely, angry. But at the same time, she didn't have the energy to be upset. She was just... exhausted.

Exiting out to her home screen, she reluctantly clicked on her messages app. The dozens of unopened texts stared her in the face; the number had grown monstrously each day since the fight until it suddenly became something Hallie couldn't handle to look at.

But she clicked into it anyway.

moon girl :)

are you okay?
just let me know if you want to talk or hang out
you haven't been in school. i'm getting worried hal
i left something at your door! you didn't answer
it has chocolates and some smokey quartz which should help ground you!!
i'm here whenever you want to talk

Hallie felt a pang of guilt for not answering Moon. Pulling up the keyboard, she let her fingers hover, thinking of what to say.

Moments later, she exited the chat, having said nothing. The sick feeling grew a little bit, corroding at her insides.


hope you're doing okay ❤️

Shut the fuck up, Sam.


let me know if you need anything
hope you come back to school soon<3

As she scrolled through her phone, a particular message caught her attention.

eli hawk moskowitz

Fucking traitor
You and your brother
I better not see you at the dojo again

She clicked her phone off. Part of her wanted to laugh at how ridiculous it was for Hawk to be texting her his threats.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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