Chapter 7 Date pt.1

Start from the beginning

As I began to journey up the stairs my mom stops me.

"Malia, what's the rush? How was school?" She asks smiling at me her hands on her hip.

"Uh... I have a date, and school was good." I try to go further up the stairs but she stops me again.

"You have a date? With who?" She folds her hands across her chest.

"His name is Mason and he's really nice okay? Can I go get ready now!" I whine and she smiles and says go. I hurry up the stairs.and go into my room.

Boxes are everywhere. My bed is just a mattress in the floor but my closet has all my clothes. I was so happy to get a walk in closet. And it's double doors. So it's like huge. Way higher then the little ity bity closet I had in New York.

I pull out the cloths and lay them on my bed, well mattress. I grab my fluffy blue towel and head into the bathroom across the hall that is basically all mine. I mean my parents have their own bathroom in their bedroom.

I lock the door behind me and turn on the water. I set my towel down and strip of my clothing. I step into the shower. I wash my body with sweet smelling soaps. I stand for a while because I have like 3-4 hours to spare. I finally get out once my fingers are pretty pruned.

I dry my self off and wrap the towel tightly around my body. I walk back across the hall to my room and lock the door behind me. I put on my under garments first. I throw a gray skinny strap under shirt on before putting on the plaid one. I pull my skinny jeans on. I pull a pear of socks with little penguins on them over my feet. I shuffle to my desk and grab my makeup bag and walk back to the bathroom. I pull my curling iron out and plug it in to head it up. I start on my make up.

I skip all the concealer and foundation because I don't have any freckles or zits that I should cover up so eh I put on a light pink blush to add some color to my skin. To bad I'm not as tan as Mason. How the heck is he that tan it's not like he sits by the pool all day or something. I put on a naked eye shadow and then start with my eye liner. I only do the top lid and then move onto the mascara. I put on a extremely light pink lip stick on and I'm done. I look o we my face making sure I didn't make any mess ups which I didn't.

I start to curl my hair into little ringlets. Man I should get highlights or something. My silky brown hair is already wavy it it's like just boring.

Once I'm done I look at the clock and see that Mason should be here in like an hour so I decide to wait.


Mason POV (a/n sorry I'm switching so much I just yeah.)

I pull up to the curb in front of her house and turn the car off and walk up to her front door. I ring the doorbell and stand for a few minutes. I hear footsteps and then the door squeaks open.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A woman in her mid 40's says.

"I'm here to take Malia out for the night." I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Why don't you come in." She takes a step backwards so I can step in,"Im going to go get Malia she's in her room." She says and disappears up the stair case.

I hear her knock on the door. She tells Malia that I'm at the front door and Malia says okay. I hear a door close. I look at the staircase expecting her to come down the stairs any minute.

She walks down. My eyes almost fall out of my head. She's so gorgeous. She may just be wearing ripped jeans and a plaid shirt but damn it's... just... wow.

"Hello Mason." She smiles and walks to a few feet away from where I stand.

"Hello Malia." I smile and nod my head. Her mom walks down the stairs and walks next to Malia.

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