Chapter 8: Bailey, CHILL!

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Bailey's POV
This morning was great and eventful. I'm about to have soccer practice. My first ever soccer practice. Yeah I'm on the soccer team. If you are on the swim team, you are allowed to be in another sport as well. The only others I know on the soccer team are: Amber, Glitter and Zane. I'm happing I'm with Zane. Zane's one of my best friends. Although I have o make sure I have a good lunch to toughen me up for soccer. This is crucial! I got myself a nice juicy burger. Wait are burgers good for becoming fit and ready to do sport? Burns calories? Come on, how could i resist a burger on Burger Wednesdays?! Burger, Mango chunks, Brussel sprouts, a little bowl of tuna, surimi and prawn cat broth and black currant juice. Yeah no coke or Pepsi today. We going full healthy. This is soccer practice, AMIGO! Get it together. Atlas noticed me getting the juice. He chuckled. "No coke today?" He asked me. I looked at him. "It's soccer practice, I got to eat and drink healthy." I don't understand how Atlas think this is a joke. "Woah okay, chill." Yeah maybe he's not doing any sports but at least understand! He's like my only best friend who isn't doing a sport. We sat down at our usual table. Zane was drinking some coke. COKE? Zane... ITS SOCCER PRACTICE NEXT! "Zane..." I said. He looked up confused. "Something wrong?" He asked me. "How can you be drinking coke before practice?!" I was twitching my eye. He took another sip while staring at me. "It's no sugar, okay? Chill." Why does everyone say CHILL? I AM CHILL. I'm chiller than Aina finding out Dusty likes someone else! Not that it has happened. He seems to not like anyone like that, he just flirts with everyone. Well not me or Elton or Stewart but like you get it. I see Coco talking to him every now and then. Once we had finished our lunches we went outside. Today we are not sitting behind the sports shed in the secluded area with trees and the barbed wire fence. Today is boot camp in that area. Atlas, Elton, Stewart and Zane all sat down like nothing is happening. Like we usually do but not today! "Guys get up. We're doing push ups everyone, on the ground!" I commanded them. They started laughing, they think this is a joke?! "Haha, Nice joke Bailey." Elton said while cracking up. I'm offended, although I won't show it as I can not stand another time being told to chill. "I'm being serious." I told them. They stopped laughing. "Wait, you're actually being serious?" Stewart clarified. I nodded. "Mhm. Come on Stewart, 10 push-ups. Goes for the rest of you. This is boot camp." I told them. I could tell they didn't want to but they can't say no to me. They sighed and started doing 10 pushups each. I joined them. After 10, they were worn out. "C'mon everyone! 10 jumping jacks, GO!" They we're getting tired quickly. "Do we have to do this?" Zane asked all puffed out. "Um yes, everyone I want 2 laps of the oval, GO GO GO!" They ran and ran. I joined them. I saw cats and dogs laughing outside the oval. They can laugh all they want! This is boot camp! You hear me?! BOOT CAMP. Then the bell rang. Soccer time! I dragged Zane along with me. We met at the meeting point. Zane was puffed. I elbowed him. "Ouch! Please don't do anything like that again." Okay maybe I don't have to elbow him, but still get into shape. We were separated into teams. I was with Amber on my team. Zane was with Glitter. Honestly, Amber and Glitter are certainly not cats I'd want on my team but I am apart of their little alliance and if I said that, I would be out of the alliance and they would be gunning for me. What? I can't let that happen. I'm lucky to be in the alliance. Don't take it the wrong way though. I'm currently the goalie, I want to be out in the field though. Kicking that ball at Zane and hoping he doesn't catch it. Zane's also goalie. Once Amber had the ball she kicked at Zane. But Glitter took hold of it. "Don't worry Amber, I can do it!" She then kicked the ball at Zane and he missed it. She had scored us a point even by not being on our team. How stupid! But great at the same time. "Glitter, why'd you do that? You scored them a point!" Zane said to her. She was probably going to have it for him if I didn't quickly make eye contact with her. Remember the alliance, Glitter. Zane is protected. She sighed and said nor did anything to him. We played again. This time, I wasn't the goalie. I was practically dominating the game, intercepting, doing wicked passes and scoring epic goals. I was running this place big time. The coach gestured me to come over to him during the break. I gave him a paws up and took a good sip of my water bottle then went to him. "Bailey, you played excellent today, I'd like to offer you the role of captain." Role of captain? Of course I'm going to take it! I'm a natural born leader! "Yes." I said to him. We shook paws and he gave me a key ring that said: Captain of DSP Soccer Team. Don't coaches normally give badges? Not key rings? " 'ere, put this on your bag." I nodded and took it.

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