Chapter 3

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After the battle, Will's week was uneventful as she navigated through her daily routine

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After the battle, Will's week was uneventful as she navigated through her daily routine. She went to school and did her homework, walked home or to the pool, talked with the girls, and worked part-time at the pet shop. The girl took solace in the familiar rhythm of her activities, finding comfort in the mundane tasks that allowed her to escape the chaos of the other world. On a cloudy Saturday afternoon, the girls gathered at Silver Dragon, their favorite spot for weekly discussions. They selected a table at the back of the restaurant, and Hay Lin brought a few snacks and fragrant tea in beautiful clay pots. The conversation flowed easily as the group caught up on each other's lives and shared stories. As the sun peeked between clouds outside, casting a warm glow through the windows of the restaurant, Will felt grateful for her friends and the sense of normalcy they brought to her life.

Cornelia announced eagerly, 'I have news. This morning, Caleb sent me an urgent message with the information that Phobos dispatched his right hand to Heatherfield. The rebels suspect he is on a mission to find the missing heir, but they are unsure about it. Once again, the army is under the prince's command because he sent the general away.'

'Great, another ugly fugly in our city.' Irma mumbled. 'As if we need more monsters in our lives.' she said, rolling her eyes. Irma's skepticism was palpable, expressing her disdain for the impending threat. She knew that their peaceful existence on Earth was in jeopardy.

'What about our families? Can they be in danger? Is he aware of our appearance on Earth?' Taranee was worried.

'Probably not. We look a bit different when transformed.' Will explained, taking a sip of green tea. 'But we don't know what the general's powers are or how they work on Earth.' She summarized.

'We should be more careful. "Do not talk to strangers" has never felt so right.' Hay Lin laughed. 'Actually, we can paraphrase it: do not talk to strange guys.' She tapped her chin and took a bite of a cookie. 'I wonder how he looks. I don't know about you guys, but have you noticed that all the humanoid males on Meridian are unusually attractive? Phobos sure is a hottie. I mean, in an aesthetical sense.' She giggled, with mirth shining in her eyes.

'Eww, did you forget he is an evil incarnate?' Cornelia cried out with a horrified look.

'Not interested.' Taranee shrugged. 'Caleb is a good-looking guy, but not to my taste. Quit looking at me like that, Cornelia. We know you have a crush on him. I like Nigel; he is nice.' She scolded the blonde girl and blushed, thinking about the one male she felt comfortable with beside her brother.

'Caleb is rather hot and lives in another world, so it's not like I have many opportunities to see him. He does not know me as Cornelia Hale, the girl from Earth. To him, I am only the Earth Guardian. It's complicated...' she sighed regretfully.

'Well, in my not-so-humble opinion...' Irma started, 'Phobos is beautiful on the outside and rotten to the core inside. I think unlimited power can corrupt people, and we will defeat him.' She continued, munching on a breadstick.

The Crystal HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora