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Drip... drop... drip... drop... The sound of trickling water reverberated throughout the vast cavern below ground.

It bothered him... Amid the never-ending white fog and pleasant warmth, something unexpected happened. Loud noises rebounded in his bones, and soon, he felt warm liquid dripping onto his tightly clasped palms placed on the chest. He did not want to wake up from this tranquil existence. Yet, the irritating feeling persisted...

'Leave me alone!' A sluggish thought came to his mind.

Before long, an unfamiliar energy traveled through his body, warming his insides. Yet, the heat gradually increased, soon becoming a scorching inferno. He felt his heart rate increase, and his breathing became labored as he struggled to control the overwhelming sensation. It was as if some external power battled within him, and he did not know how to quench it.

'Please... stop! It hurts!' He wanted to scream but was unable to open his mouth.

The figure writhed and gasped for air like a man drowning, trying to escape the pain and the flames consuming him. The Seal placed upon him throbbed and cracked into a thousand pieces. As it shattered, energy burst forth from the figure, causing the air to ripple and the ground to shake. It was clear that something powerful had awakened. The magic pulsed through his veins - an electrifying, all-consuming, overwhelming presence. It ignited in his frail body once more, scorching everything in its path as he screamed in agony. The unused muscles began to spasm as the magic repaired any damage it could find. Gradually, the magic retreated into a dormant state, where it awaited to be put to use, like a long-forgotten friend who reunited with its master.

Finally becoming aware of his surroundings, the man realized someone was beside him - a silently weeping woman. Hesitating, he slowly opened his eyes, blinked the tears away, and looked around. Except for the altar under his back, made from cold, white marble, everything in the rocky cavern was overflowing with a sea of roses. His newly awakened senses found the sweet aroma both pleasant and overpowering. The familiar emerald crystal floating above and casting its light upon the underground chamber greeted him with warmth. He smiled when it cheerfully twinkled like a dear friend. The man reached out and gently touched the crystal, feeling its warm energy flow through him. A reminder of the magical bond he shared with the Heart and how much everything depended on it.

The man slowly sat up, admiring his youthful body with its lean muscles that moved effortlessly. The Seal worked. It held him in a static place, freezing time and space and keeping his body from dying or getting old. He was still wearing the same white silk tunic he had on when going to rest. The only thing that appeared different about him was a cascade of long, white hair falling to the ground around the altar. It was clear that they were uncut. How much time has passed?

'Guardian?' The clear voice startled him; he forgot he was not alone. A woman was kneeling beside the grand altar, staring at him in awe. He quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed after realizing he had been lost in thought for too long.

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