

True to her words she did really seek him out, not intentionally. It was purely unfortunate that her car broke halfway to home in rain.

That day Paul thanked his pack mates for stupid bet they made and thanked his bad luck in this bet. If it weren't for that bet him and Lena wouldn't see each other for some more time.

Paul was on his way back to Emily house after he lost bet they sent him to do groceries. He was just playing with radio not paying much attention to road. When he raised his eyes fright filled his body; just in last seconds he slammed the brakes so he won't hit Lena. Frightened he hurt her he quickly left the car.

„We see each other after long time and your first though is to ran me over?!“ she shouts at him.

„I.. No. I.. I wasn't looking at road. I didn't see you. Anyway why are standing in the middle of the road? You just asking to be hit!!“ his anger built a little bit. Lena angrily sighs walks to her car to get jacket.

„What are you doing?“ he follows after her watching as she starts marching her way home.

„What does it look like?! I'm walking home.“ she tells him still walking.

„Hey! Wait! Come on let me take you home.. You can't walk in this weather.“ Paul runs after her to stop her before she walks even further. „Listen I'm sorry Okey? I was playing with radio I really didn't see you but not because I didn't want to see you.“ he explained to her. It didn't take a lot of persuasion for Lena to ride with Paul.

„What were you doing on this road anyway? Nobody use it unless you want to crash.“ he raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

„Don't get any ideas it's the only road that lead to my family house.“ Lena said to stop Paul from getting any ideas.

„Ah, the the one on private land..“ he said in recognition. „How come your family own so much land?“ he asked but unfortunately for him Lena misinterpreted the tone in his voice.

„what? The one of founding families now can't have certain privileges. If you are one of those town folks who think our rights to own property should be taken away you might as well stop the car. I'll much rather walk.“ Lena was bitter because she was afraid Paul would be one of the self righteous people who constantly want take the only place where Lena felt safe. She hoped he wouldn't because she doesn't have the heart to walk away from him. .

Paul in panic quickly stops her. „No that's not what I wanted to say. I just.. Nevermind.“ he continued driving embarrassed that he was about to ask history about her family.

„There is no harm in asking. The worst I can do is really get out of the car..“ Lena said calmly this time as she got what Paul wanted to ask.

„What I meant was how exactly your family got so much land in your hands.. No harm intended just genuinely curious.“ he quickly clarified as he didn't want the girl to leave.

„You could say we earn it as reward for our help in war. And my ancestors didn't really know what to do with the land so they build a town like any other wealthy family and for some reason it lasted to this day.“ Paul listened to Lena not knowing just how much she shortened the real version on how the Duchannes got their land. It was true they got it as a reward for the help in war but it was given to them for farming, from that part the story quite differ.

They continued in their way speaking about everything that could be talked about and soon they reached the gates to Duchannes manor.

„Are you sure you don't want me accompany you to door?“ Paul asks as he wants to be with her a little longer.

„Yeah, no thanks I don't want to be in story about the kid that lives in haunted house.“ Lena teased him. She closed the trucks door at the same time Paul exit the car as to say goodbye to her.

„Don't worry that story wouldn't do any good with me being the teller.“ he plays right into card of Lena.

„Anyway I didn't introduce myself. I'm Paul Lahote.“ he grins showing his white pearl teeth. However he didn't expect reaction Lena gave him.

„Oh My GOD! Are you kidding. THE Paul Lahote gave a ride home. That's unbelievable!“ Lena dramatically said like she was given lift by some kind of celebrity. Unconsciously feeding Paul's ego.

„So you've heard of me?“ he teasingly asked almost expecting her to say yes but that wouldn't be Lena.

„No..“ she drops the smile only for a second to see Paul's face drop before laughing at him. „As if that would be possible. Larkin has big mouth but no restrain, it's almost impossible for him to hold secrets.“ she informs him before making her way to the gate.

„Alright... Hey! Will I see you again?“ desperation was clear in his voice.

„Certainly“ she says as she close the gate waving back at Paul. Paul assured he didn't heard any jokes in her tone grins and slowly walks backwards to his truck watching the girl as she reached door of her house before she dissappear behind it. Smiling at his little accomplishment he climbs in the car and goes to Sam as he had patrol next.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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