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One day aunt Del rushed into the living room shouting she had news. The news being Bella dating vampire Edward.

„So she's dating a corpse?“ as soon as this question left Larkin's mouth smacking sound echoed through house.

„Mama if you keep hitting him he loose all his braincells.“ Ridley warned her mother.

„Ridley honey this is serious that girl could be hurt she's in danger.“ Del argues with her daughter. Lena who was still reading her book didn't even looked up. She knew this would come sooner or later.

„Her problem auntie Del. We don't mendle with problems of mortals especially if they caused them themselve.“ she reminded her aunt in hopes she drops it. But unlucky for the girl the only think she earned was glare from her uncle.

„Lena, what about those nomads?“ he decided to let it slide this time. Instead he focused on more important problems as it endangered them too.

„They're leading the officers to North but they didn't left.“ her uncle nods his head thinking about solutions. He carefully observed Lena as if the answer was written on her somewhere.

„Can I help you with something uncle?“ Lena was tired. Lately nightmares played tricks on her mind.. Some resulted in form of scars on the inside of her left arm.

The number is now 187.

He remember how his own sister rapidly changed at the same number. He swore he wouldn't let Lena became dark caster like her mother but each day Lena lost more of herself.

„Why don't you youngsters go to visit the beach. Today is one rare sunny day I'm sure a little more sun will do you all good.“ he suggested to them.

There weren't much of opposing so Lena with the rest of young casters visited the beach La Push. Basking in the sun while she watched over the kids they brought with them. Larkin with Ridley took it upon themselves to teach swimming. With opportunity to be alone more she pulled up the unfinished book.

Lena continued to read occasionally checking what her cousins were doing when ball bounced from her leg. Raising her eyesight she is met with deep brown eyes. And it was like something clicked in her heart. She noticed the sign she always watched from her room leading her somewhere unknown. Now she knew where it tried to lure her. The boy before her was the answer all the time. And now he is standing right in front of her staring at her like she is The creator of universe.

Seeing as the boy didn't spoke she started simply. „Hi.“ the boy broke from his trance smiling back at her.

„Hi, I'm sorry for the ball. It didn't hit you or anything right?“ he blurted out.

Lena laughed at his cuteness. „No I'm good I was just reading when it landed.“ she pointed at the book waiting to be picked up. He looked at the book.

„Bukowski? Is he good?“ he asked.

„Define good..“ they laughed. He looked like he was about to say something when Lena's name was called.

„I have to go“ Lena picked up her things and slowly made her way back to her family. But before she could leave a hand grabbed hers.

„Sorry I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm -..“ but Lena didn't let him finnish.

„Tell me next time we see each other.“

„Why?“ he was obviously confused by this.

„So I have reason to seek you out.“ she grins before she bids him goodbye.

After while his pack mates joined him. „So Lena Duchannes? Paul, my guy, you're going to places“ Jared pokes him. The two starts bickering like children while their alpha wrecked his brain how to make this work.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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