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deji stood in her kitchen, a tight red dress hugging her body. she was holding a black clutch, black stilettos on her feet.

jeno had dropped her home after school, planning to grab her later that night. he told her to dress for a small party.

"where the fuck are you going? the club?" daejung joked, leaving his work office for a snack when he spotted his baby sister.

"yeah, you can come," deji smiled, looking up from her phone.

"bullshit, seriously, where?" daejung walked past her, opening the fridge.

"out with jeno," she looked back down at here phone, seeing a message from jeno, he was pulling up.

"the gangster? how old is he, dej?" daejung grabbed fruit from the fridge, turning to face deji.

"he's in my class, only a year older." deji smiled, making her way to the foyer.

"bullshit, and he has a full sleeve of tattoos?" daejung followed behind her, stuffing his face with food.

"yes, dae. yes, he does." deji rolled her eyes, the doorbell ringing.

"lemme get it," daejung smiled, deji rolling her eyes.

"dae, come on, stop," before deji could stop him, daejung opened the door, jeno smushing a cigarette under his foot.

"how old are you, jeno, right?" daejung crossed his arms, jeno's mouth pulling into a smirk.

"yea, lee jeno. i'm 17, sir." jeno stood tall, deji laughing, turning to look into a mirror not too far away. jeno was being respectful, seeing as he knew daejung was older. deji liked that, made jeno somehow hotter than he already was.

"and you're here to...?" daejung stood with confidence, waiting on jeno's answer. daejungs body language was guarded, jeno understood, he was the exact same way with heejin.

"to take your sister on a date, that's all." jeno said, daejung taking a deep breath.

"okay, thank you dad! back up dae," deji moved daejung to the side, jeno extending his hand as soon as he seen deji. he helped her down the step in front of the door, jeno looking at her, his breath spiking as her warm hand touched his.

"let's go before he becomes more like my dad," deji whispered to the boy, his cheeks slightly red, the boy still stuck on just seeing deji. she somehow became more beautiful than before, he was amazed.

"bye dae!" deji grabbed ahold of jeno, holding his bicep as she dragged him.

"deji, my god," jeno opened the door for her, his eyes dropping down her body.

"what? is it too much? i can change." deji babbled on looking at her dress then towards her house.

"no, no, don't, you're perfect." jeno smiled, one hand on her lower back as he leaned in to peck her cheek.

"thank you jeno," deji could barely breath, her nerves off the charts. his breath was minty as he leaned in, it gave her goosebumps.

"holy shit," jeno was driving downtown, the city lights lighting up the streets. deji didn't get out much, she was always inside doing school work. before jeno, all she ever thought about was school.

"you don't go out much, do you?" jeno smiled as he glanced towards her, the girl shaking her head.

"you think i have time to even think about going out? jeno, all i think about is college. i mean, before i met your ass," deji smiled, her hand brushing his bicep.

"you're not thinking of going far, right?" jeno asked, his eyes on the road as he began weaving through traffic.

"why? gonna miss me?" deji laughed, her legs crossed in the passenger seat, leaning towards jeno, leaning on the center console.

"no duh," jeno looked towards her, her smile making him laugh.

"i'm staying here, don't worry." deji admired his side profile, jeno relieved to hear.

"are you gonna tell me where we're going?" deji smiled, looking down at her lap, looking for gum in her bag.

"it's a little party, i want you to get out more, and this is how," jeno spoke low, his elbow leaning on the center console, his chin in his hand.

"a party downtown? that's fancy," deji pulled her lipgloss out, flipping the car mirror down and applying.

"you'll have fun, especially with me." jeno's lips pulled into a smirk, weaving through a parking entrance, pulling up to the valet eventually.

"lee, haven't seen your brother tonight?" jeno opened his door, the valet standing close. jeno laughed, handing the keys over.

"yeah, he's not gonna show." jeno spoke as he walked around the car, opening deji's door and extending his hand.

she grabbed it tight, jeno making sure she was covered as she stood considering her dress was short. jeno pulled her in, her hand landing flat onto his chest. he glanced above her head, seeing the other valet workers staring at deji.

they quickly looked away once jeno spotted them, all he needed was to exist and no one was coming near deji.

"when we walk in, hold onto me. it's gonna be crowded." he whispered, the girl nodding her head, looking up at jeno. he wasn't lying, it was gonna be crowded, but he also didn't want men trying to pick up deji. he wanted them to know from the get deji came with him.

"god, you're beautiful." jeno looked at her, turning his head away from her as he cleared his throat. deji laughed, the boy obviously letting his mouth slip. he cover his mouth, mentally cursing himself out.

"you're adorable," she patted his chest as he looked away, giggling. jeno had never been this way with a girl, deji had him wrapped around her finger.

deji did as jeno asked, hanging on his arm as he guided her into out onto the sidewalk, downtown full of bright lights and people.

"jen, are we driving back tonight?" deji asked, her heels clicking as they walked. she held onto his arm tight, the two walking side by side.

"nah, you'll see." jeno smiled, not looking towards deji as she stared up at him.

"oh my god, is this a club? jeno i'm not gonna be able to get in?" deji finally connected the dots, seeing a bouncer at the door, along with a large line of people trying to get in. the line looked like it had 100 people lined up, the line going down the street.

"yes, you will, come on," jeno looked down at her before walking up to the bouncer, skipping the line of people.

the bouncer turned to see jeno, a smile spread across his face.

"yo! lee? haven't seen you in a couple months," the boucer extended his hand, jeno dapping him up, deji standing beside him quietly.

"and you brought a girl? usually you're the one leaving with them, not bringing them." the bouncer laughed, jeno letting deji hold onto his arm again, the girl biting her lip as she listened.

"thanks, suh, thank you for saying that." jeno shook his head, johnny stepping to the side to let jeno and deji walk in.

"you got it lee," johnny laughed as the couple stepped past him.

jeno let deji walk in first, his hands on her waist as he guided her.

"this is crazy," deji whispered to jeno, her hands on top of his, his chin close to her shoulder.

jeno led her towards a couch, the couch blocked off by velvet rope. deji was so shocked es, sitting at staring out into the large room filled with of people, dancing drinking, everything.

"you drink?" jeno sat beside her, his arm going over her shoulders, the boy leaning in close to the girl.

she shook her head no, her body tense, her hands resting on her lap as she looked at jeno.

"you want to?" jeno asked, his smile giving deji butterflies.

"only if you show me," she smiled, her hand lifting to stroke his face.

"oh, i got you," jeno smirked, soon calling over a server.

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