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"you tutoring jeno?!" deji's friend almost spit her lunch at deji. deji had been tutoring jeno for a week now.

"go ahead! say it louder!" deji leaned forward, scolding her friend as her friend covered her mouth, looking around.

"he's literally the prettiest boy i've ever seen?!" her friend exclaimed, deji's eyes rolling as she took a bite of her lunch.

"he's really not all that, and he sucks at flirting." deji looked at her friend, the girl's face frozen.

"you're such a goddamn liar, dej!" her friend couldn't believe what deji was saying, and how calmly she was saying it.

"are you forgetting he's a fucking bully?" deji took another bite, looking at her friend with a face of disgust.

"no fucking way," her friend sat up straight, just as deji felt a heavy presence behind her.

"deji," deji heard the deep voice, knowing exactly who it belonged to. she slowly turned, seeing jeno standing above her.

"that's my name." she turned for a second, turning back towards her starstruck friend.

"tonight's happening at my house." he said, staring down at her. she looked up, her eyebrows furrowed as she made eye contact.

"you make it sound like a fucking party." deji rolled her eyes, the boy shrugging her off as he took steps away.

"meet me after school," he said from the opposite side of the table, his smirk prominent once he turned back around.

"you're crazy, completely out of your mind. how the hell do you not fall in love everytime he speaks?!?" she continued fangirling over jeno as deji turned back to her lunch, ignoring her friend.

"no, fucking, way, jeno." deji stood in her home room classroom with all of the other girls in her class, getting ready to change for p.e.

"it's our turn to change, the boys have to walk to the shed." deji had her hand on her hip as she spoke to jeno, jeno leading all of the boys from their home room.

"not this time," jeno smiled as he began taking his shirt off, deji watching as he did so. his chest was chiseled, his abs looking directly back at deji.

she noticed the girls behind her started towards the door, going to let the boys win.

"no, we're staying here." deji declared, jeno crossing his arms over his chest. his arm muscles were prominent, deji's knees weak.

deji smiled sinisterly, untucking her uniform shirt from her skirt.

she began removing her own shirt, just as jeno did, exposing her bra.

the boys hollered, jeno feeling his chest burning.

jeno looked away, his shirt soon covering deji's chest and stomach, the boy quick to cover her with his clothes.

jeno shook his head, waving his hand, making the boys get out.

"you won, you won, kang." jeno said as he left the room, the boys clowning him as he gave up so quick, something they never saw him do.

deji followed close behind jeno, his neighborhood looking the opposite of her own. everything was dark, street lights rare. she was scared, her surroundings unfamiliar to her.

she jumped, instinctively grabbing onto jeno's arm as she heard a loud dog bark from behind her. her nails dug into his bicep as he slowly turned, laughing as he saw the color drain from her face.

"oh my god," she took a deep breath, slowly turning back and facing jeno, his face not an inch away from hers. she quickly let him go, dusting herself off as she looked at the floor.

the one. (lee jeno mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now