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Aena was sleeping soundly when her eyes opened in the middle of the night due to sheer pain in her stomach. She touched her stomach and looked beside her to find Abhi sleeping hugging her tightly.aena slowly removed his hand from her waist and stood up from the bed. Abhi opened his eyes but slept back on seeing her going towards washroom.

She slowly walked towards the bathroom while holding her stomach and turned on the lights of the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat. As she looked down, she was happy to see blood. Being diagnosed with PCOs, her periods had always been irregular which gave her many body issues. While she was happy to see blood, on the other hand, she was sad remembering the pain she would have to go through for the first day of her periods which had already started by the way.

After changing her clothes, aena cameback and lay on the bed with her backstraight. A small cry threatened to escapeas she felt a hit inside her stomach.She tightly clutched her stomach and turned on one side while pulling her knees to her stomach. The pain was souncomfortable for her. She was confused about which part of her stomach to press to stop this pain. She shut her eyes tightto distract herself from the pain.

She threw the blanket feeling hot but soon enough covered herself feelingcold. She tossed on the bed from oneside to another to find a comfortable spot but found none only to leave her infrustration. She looked at Abhi lying beside her sleeping soundly which made her angry thinking about him getting hisbeauty sleep while she was in pain. She wanted to wake him up but she didn'twant to spoil his sleep too. As she turned to the other side, a small cry escaped her lips and she quickly covered her mouth looking at Abhi beside her. And she closed her eyes in frustration as she found him waking up with just a small sound.

Abhi looked at Meera who was at the other end of the bed with wide eyes and ahand on her mouth.

"AENA ." He called her but she didn'treply.

Abhi forwarded his hand towardsher and a small cry left aena's mouth.Abhi 's eyes opened fully on hearing the cry and he sat up instantly.

"I am sorry. Did I hurt you?" He said inConcern.

Aena wanted to sit with him and tell him that everything was fine but her mood swings were taking over. She looked at him with pouted lips which made Abhi feel even more guilty.

Aena took a deep breath to control hermood swings "It's fine. You didn't hurt me."

"Why are you awake?" He asked her.

Aena didn't know what to say to him and suddenly found herself speechless while the cramps were not helping her much.

She clutched her stomach and heaved a breath, tired of his questions. She didn't want to talk right now. She felt bile rising in her stomach and she ran towards the bathroom while Aashrit ran behind her

She held the toilet seat to empty her stomach but nothing came out except for the cramps. She holds her stomach with one hand and seat with the other. Her stomach hurt and this feeling of vomiting was frustrating her even more.

Abhi rubbed her back only for his hand to get removed by arna stood up and went to the wash basin to wash her hands and face. Abhi followed her and once she dried her hand with a towel, Abhi held her in bridal style and a shriek left her mouth.She looked up at Abhi and just put herhead on his chest tired to walk or even move.

Abhi settled her on the bed "Ill call thedoctor." Abhi said

"No," aena shouted and another cramp hit her making her sigh in frustration.

Abhi looked back at her " You don't look well to me."

Aena looked at him, clearly not in a condition to argue with him or anyone.

She slid back dowm on the bed saying "It's periods. I am fine."

And on hearing her Abhi hand stopped and he looked back at her lying on the bed with her eyes closed, one hand on her forehead and the other clutching her stomach.

Abhi t left the room leaving aena baffled and shocked. She looked at his back as he left. For a second, she felt bad that he left her like this and threw a pillow but then closed her eyes to calmdown the raging cramp first.

After some moments, she felt her hand being removed from her stomach and opened her eyes to find Abhi there. A hot water bag was put over her stomach which didn't just warm her stomach buther heart also.

" Is it paining somewhere else too?"Abhi asked calmly looking into her eyes while raising her shirt and sliding the water bag in direct contact with herskin.

"My back." She said" And my head too."She continued.

Abhi then brought the other water bag and put it under her back.

He gave her a chocolate which she denied"As much as I love chocolate, I don't think I could swallow anything right now."

Abhi nodded and put the chocolate onthe table.

He sat on the bed and put aena's head on his lap while lightly massaging it. And after a massage of some minutes, aena speak "It's fine now Abhi

Abhi nodded and checked the bag if they were hot enough and again put them on the charging once he felt them hot

"Can you put your legs on mine? It'shurting." Aena said and Abhi moved towards her putting his legs over hers.

And aena laid her head on his chest behind.

"Is it still hurting, aena?" Abhi said in a low voice kissing her neck and aena leaned over him.

"A little in stomach and legs."

"Tell me if you need something." He said.

Aena didn't know whether it was her mood swings or her increasing crush on her husband when she "just a cuddle"

Abhi's hand lightly pressed the water bag on her stomach and his legs tightened hers making a sigh escape her mouth. His hand was itching to touch her naked stomach but he suddenly didn't dare to do so.

So he solwely remove the bag from her stomach and slowely making his way to her stomach he gently placed his hand on her stomach and started massaging her belly

After some time they both slept in each other emberence



Its been week sins that incident happen but now everything is fine
And now aena wanted a job so abhi offer job to her but she reject by saying i will give interview if i got selected only then i will contniew and i dont want to show our marriage .. beacuse i we will show our marrige people will thinks i got the job because you are my husband

And he agrred to her
And now next fay is her interview in Rajvansh indurtries


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