It wasn't long until Liam heard a high pitched noise and felt a static energy around him. The hairs on his arm stood on end. The lightning was coming.

Vesper jumped when thunder sounded like the growling of a million wolves. It echoed right above their heads when all eyes landed on the God of lightning.

Liam looked up. He felt his power in the sky. The storm not only comforted him, but it also brought a gift.

As the high pitched noise got louder, the sounds around him silenced when he lifted his hand into the air. Liam pointed a tingling finger up to the sky. For a moment, it was like everyone on the field froze and stopped breathing. Liam felt like he was the only person standing in the mud.

While he zoned out, everyone on the field did stop and stare at the clouds. The thunder was so loud, Harry winced when it roared above the house.

The lightning was so frequent; it could be seen no matter where he looked.

The prodigies in the circle started to zone into a trance-like state. Their golden eyes were like little headlights, all pointing to Liam. Their united hands locked firmly together. The power successfully shared between them, pulsing in their palms.

Liam then felt it circling him. The high pitched noise got sharper, louder, stronger, stronger, stronger- then it stopped. In the second that it silenced, a lightning bolt, bigger than the width of the God's body shot from the clouds. It ripped through the sky and landed on Liam's pointed finger.

He gasped and the breath he inhaled permitted the bolt to seep into him, all the way to his toes.

Smaller bolts circled Liam's thighs, his waist and his arms, sparking and jolting with the power.

Vincent and Ares rushed to the window. The bolt lit up the field, almost as bright as the sun, but that was when they saw the destruction. Bodies scattered the grass. Every inch of the area covered in blood, the dead, and broken weaponry.

"Oh Gods," Ares whispered.

A white angel's feather floated past the window, and a burning sensation bubbled in his stomach. He wanted to be sick, but relief took over when he saw his two boys standing together in their wolf forms with eyes fixed on Liam.

Zayn had a paw on top of a demon's chest with claws dug into her skin. The demon was dead, as were those who had tried to get close to them.

Vincent slowly reached for the door handle. He was mesmerised when the top of the bolt exploded, and the sky lit up with hundreds of smaller flashes.

The lightning crashed to the ground, zapping demon, dead or alive. His eyes reflected the yellow and blueish tint of the electricity. The noise as each bolt hit the ground was like the beat of loud music at a concert. It shook the entire house, Vincent felt it in his bones.

When he pushed open the glass door and fresh air touched his skin, an explosion of gold filtered from the circle of angels, ploughing through the field and knocking over anyone in its way. Vincent  flew back and skidded across the floor.

Ares shielded his eyes when the windows shattered in front of him. The werewolves and angels flattened themselves to the floor when the second ripple of gold disintegrated any demon on the field. It didn't matter if the hell-hounds were alive or dead, they were gone like dust in the wind.

Micah saw what was happening and made a quick decision to grab Eloise and fly as far away as they could. The explosion spared no demon.

Phoenix and his mother only survived because Celeste, the elder angel, stood in front of them and held hands against the wave.

Phoenix and his mother crouched together, gripping each other like their lives depended on it, but they were safe. Celeste couldn't watch two innocent beings perish if she had the chance to save them, even if they did have demon blood in their veins.

Zayn and Louis were not affected. The gold power was like a little breeze running through their fur, but Zayn whimpered. Liam screamed to ease the pain of so much energy running through him, and it hurt Zayn like it happened to him too. They had to be together.

As the demons died around him, Zayn galloped through the field. Every lightning bolt missed him by inches, not that it would affect the wolf if he came into contact with one. When he reached the circle, he was running so fast that a leap was more powerful. Zayn jumped over the angel's heads, past Zyaire and landed in the circle. He skidded on the mud and crashed into Liam, but it felt like he crashed into a brick wall. His mate didn't move.

Zayn changed into his human form and coughed for air. He was covered in dirt, blood, and bruises. When he got his breath back, he stared at Liam's electricity infested body and looked deeply into his gold eyes. The colour swirled furiously around and
around. It was hypnotic.

When he opened his mouth to speak his name, Liam stopped screaming and grabbed Zayn's hands. The power seeped into him too, and the pain was more bearable with the physical contact.

Zayn realised that Liam was screaming for him. Zayn was the only other person who could cope with the power. Liam couldn't do it without him, and Zayn's pride gleamed as bright as the God's eyes.

Together, the prodigies used the power given to them by the angels to wipe out the demons. Those on the outskirts of the field started running through the trees.

Eventually, the gold wave reached them too, and they met the same fate as the rest of the demons, bursting to gold glitter like their bodies never even existed.

Evander and Lyssa sheltered Corey's parents as they crouched together in the Kitchen, hearing everything shaking and things falling out of cupboards. Harry was pulled down with them.

He covered his head from the plates falling next to him. They shattered on the tiles, but nobody cared.

The demons were dying, and they were finally winning the war.

Celeste looked around. The sunrise was upon them, and no demon survived to see the sun peeking above the horizon, turning the black sky into a dark blue.

Liam trembled his aching body. The bolt was getting thinner and thinner until the last demon was killed and it plummeted back into the sky. The clouds bellowed one more boom of thunder before moving on, leaving Liam to collapse in Zayn's arms.

The other prodigies fell to their knees, and the circle of angels broke when others ran to their soulmates or to help heal the injured, or to mourn the dead.

Liam's forehead fell against Zayn's shoulder. Arms around him were everything his heart needed, and a voice whispering that they had won was everything his ears longed to hear.

The war was over. The night ended. The prodigies were successful.

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