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Liam pulled his hands away from his face after hearing his mates words. His eyes searched for Athena, but he didn't recognise the woman in front of him. She was older than all of the Gods as she turned, staring with mystic grey eyes, the wrinkles in between her brows deep with concern.

"You will not harm my grandchildren," she said boldly, and Zayn almost collapsed at the sound of her voice. Louis and Liam had to grab his arms.

"You will be the cause of this war if you do not learn to put our differences aside. Liam Payne is no coward, he's not weak. He finds situations like this difficult, which all of you already know. You are here to tear him down using his insecurities instead of helping him through it. He is your leader, and if you're not careful, jealousy will once again destroy you all."

The light around the woman vanished, and
Ares dropped to his knees. His heart pounding with a tight chest. He couldn't bring himself to blink or even breathe, fearing his eyes deceived him.

"Mum," he croaked with a shaky voice, feeling like he was going to faint, and Zayn very nearly did.

Liam lowered his mate to the ground when the woman moved past him and towards Ares, watching her crouch and reached out to touch his knee, but Ares shuffled back.

"This isn't real." He shook his head, eyes filling with hot tears. It was no God who arrived. "You're dead. You died."

The other Gods found the opportunity to leave. And they did, knowing another chance to question their leader would happen soon. Nobody seemed to notice they went as they focused on Ares and the mysterious woman, dressed in a long white gown made of silk.

"My son," the woman soothed, revealing tears of her own. "I didn't think it would be today, but I have waited for this moment for far too long."

"No." Eirene clenched her hands into fists, gritting her teeth with pulsing veins. "No. I watched my husband and son mourn for you for so many years. You died, and Zayn blamed himself. You can't tell me all of that was a lie?"

"You're right, I'm dead. I'm only here to break the tension." The woman reached closer and cupped Ares' cheek, a loving smile was all she could express without letting her emotions take over.

Her hand was cold, but it knocked the air from Ares' lungs, and he broke down, pulling the woman into him and hugging her.

"Why?" he cried into her hair with a throbbing heart. "Why did you leave me?"

Eirene covered her mouth and watched Zayn who seemed paralysed by the shock.

"My time was up." Ares' mother closed her
eyes as if to memorise the moment. Her son's voice, his soft skin, his familiar scent of firewood and vanilla. "Your father wished he could come, but the angels only granted me the gift of returning to my family for one last time. Though he'll be watching."

"I don't understand!" Ares was a mess, crying and struggling to breathe. His skin soaked in his tears, his body trembled. "Why is this happening?"

He made wishes every birthday, watched the stars and begged, even prayed to the Gods before knowing Liam, hoping that someone was listening to him and he would see his parents one more time. Not in a million years did he think he would, or even get the chance to hug his mother.

The woman pulled back, wiping his tears away, inspecting his face to see how he aged.

"Look at you, look at your wonderful family, look at what you've achieved. Eirene was right, I am so incredibly proud of you." She kissed his forehead, and Ares would never forget what that felt like,
not until they meet again in heaven.

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